Python helper to download administrative boundaries data from the Database of Global Administrative Areas (GADM) and load them in python memomy as GeoJson like feature collections
pip install git+
from pprint import pprint
import gadm
# Download and load administrative boundaries of Mexico at municipality level (level 2 in GADM database)
mex_fc = gadm.get_data(code='MEX', level=2)
# 1854
# mex_fc is a FeatureCollection, it inherits from list and preserves all existing list methods
# <class 'gadm.FeatureCollection'>
# The FeatureCollection class has two methods: get and filter_by, to easily subset features collections
# filter_by returns a FeatureCollection, so that multiple filter_by may be chained and eventually ended by
# a get. This can be useful for instance in case there are multiple cities with the same name in different regions
# of a country and you want to isolate a single one. get always return a single geojson like feature (dict).
# Subset all municipalities of the state (NAME_1) of Oaxaca
oax_fc = mex_fc.filter_by(NAME_1='Oaxaca')
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# Get the feature of the municipality of Cuicatlan
cui_feat = oax_fc.get(NAME_2='Cuicatlan')
# {'geometry': {'coordinates': [[[(-96.9254531860351, 17.546520233154297),
# (-96.92993164062494, 17.55500030517578),
# (-96.93086242675781, 17.556520462036076),
# (-96.93273162841797, 17.559141159057617),
# ...
# (-96.91992187499994, 17.54537963867199),
# (-96.9254531860351, 17.546520233154297)]]],
# 'type': 'MultiPolygon'},
# 'id': '972',
# 'properties': OrderedDict([('GID_0', 'MEX'),
# ('NAME_0', 'Mexico'),
# ('GID_1', 'MEX.20_1'),
# ('NAME_1', 'Oaxaca'),
# ('NL_NAME_1', None),
# ('GID_2', 'MEX.20.3_1'),
# ('NAME_2', 'Cuicatlan'),
# ('VARNAME_2', 'Dist. Cuicatlan'),
# ('NL_NAME_2', None),
# ('TYPE_2', 'Municipio'),
# ('ENGTYPE_2', 'Municipality'),
# ('CC_2', None),
# ('HASC_2', None)]),
# 'type': 'Feature'}
# If get does not hit any feature or hits more than one feature, it raises an exception