latex2Rmd Public
R package to help converting latex files written with sweave of knittr, and containing embedded chunks of R code, into R markdown files, for HTML export
bfastSpatial Public
Set of utilities and wrappers to perform change detection on satellite image time-series (Landsat and MODIS). Includes pre-processing steps and functions for spatial implementation of bfastmonitor β¦
python-geospatial-ecosystem Public
π π A graphical representation of the python geospatial stack
jupyter-webBook Public
π π A webBook authoring framework using jupyter notebooks
datacube-core Public
Forked from opendatacube/datacube-coreOpen Data Cube analyses continental scale Earth Observation data through time
Python Other UpdatedDec 19, 2017 -
netcdfGeo Public
Interface to handle georeferenced spatio-temporal data in netcdf from python
tefe-reprocessing Public
Reprocessing of the data from the paper "Reconstructing land use history from Landsat time-series" for a follow-up study
Python UpdatedMar 13, 2017 -
segmentInterpreter Public
π π³ R shiny application to aid visual interpretation of partitioned time-series
pyLandsat Public
Some tutorials for remote sensing using python (rasterio, numpy, gdal, etc)
timeMapperJS Public
π π Integrates leaflet and timelineJS3, for a time map with narrative
bfastApp Public
Interactive tool to investigate effects of changing bfast parameters on the temporal segmentation of single time-series inputs
bfmApp Public
Shiny App for visualizing effect of varying options and values in bfastmonitor change detection algorithm
breakInterpretR Public
Interactive visual interpretation of breaks in time-series
paperProject Public
My project structure and management when working on scientific papers. To spend my time more efficiently.
quickLandCover Public
A quick way of creating land cover maps using QGIS and R
shinyGoogleVis Public
Example of interactive bubble map using shiny in combination with googleVis. Material for the GeoScripting course at Wageningen University.