Vue directive for bind a model with a URL's query param
Tool for debugging LiveView applications.
A lightweight/efficient cron-like job scheduling library for Erlang/Elixir.
Integration of Gleam's Lustre framework with Phoenix LiveView
ReScript is a robustly typed language that compiles to efficient and human-readable JavaScript.
A toolkit for seamlessly integrating Inertia.js with Phoenix Framework, featuring Bun-powered JavaScript and CSS bundling. ExInertia provides an opinionated setup for modern server-driven SPAs in E…
A powerful caching library for Elixir with support for transactions, fallbacks and expirations
Create test data for Elixir applications
Phoenix Playground makes it easy to create single-file Phoenix applications.
Fast and efficient generation of cryptographically strong probably unique identifiers (puid, aka random string) of specified entropy from various character sets.
Official Elixir port of Sqids. Generate short unique IDs from numbers.
ActiveRecord type helpers for Elixir's Ecto 3+
Fleeting Lambda Application for Modular Execution: auto scale parts of your existing app with a single function call
Rich, real-time user experiences with server-rendered HTML
Peace of mind from prototype to production
End-to-end reactivity for Phoenix LiveView and Vue
🔥 Phoenix variables in your JavaScript without headache.
Phoenix Liveview component library inspired by shadcn UI
⭐️ A friendly language for building type-safe, scalable systems!
Create web-based user interfaces with Python. The nice way.
WebApps in pure Python. No JavaScript, HTML and CSS needed
A curated list of amazingly awesome Elixir and Erlang libraries, resources and shiny things. Updates:
An extremely fast Python package and project manager, written in Rust.
Tomorrow's ECMAScript modules today!
Penpot: The open-source design tool for design and code collaboration
Add Sign In With Google feature to your Vue 3 application
Flet enables developers to easily build realtime web, mobile and desktop apps in Python. No frontend experience required.