- What is Computer Vision?
- Applications (object detection, semantic segmentation, style transfer, etc.)
- A brief history of Computer Vision
- Play with FPV Recognition
Lecture Slides: L1-Introduction.pdf
Video Link: https://youtu.be/sWwWroRpqkM?si=V3FSwlet643YTDSU
Tutorial Environment Setup: T1-Get Environment Ready
- How Human/Computers see images
- Display the images
- Play with the images (colors, sizes, rotations)
- Examples from IMHere
Lecture Slides: L2-Image.Processing.I.pdf
Video Link: https://youtu.be/scrAoh-L7KU?si=w2AmQ0Pl4AAgBoJd
Tutorial Tasks (Google CoLab): T2-Play.with.images-tasks.ipynb
Tutorial Answers (Google CoLab): T2-Play.with.images-answers.ipynb
Image Lenna: T2-lenna.png
- Filters and convolutions
- Edge Filters
- Nose Reduction
- Morphological Operations
Slides: L3-Image.Processing.II.pdf
Video Link: https://youtu.be/UVGG4ZFQWrw?si=DkQj4y8ppGYacYxO
Tutorial Tasks (Google CoLab): T3-Play.with.content-tasks.ipynb
Tutorial Answers (Google CoLab): T3-Play.with.content-answers.ipynb
Challenge Tasks (Google CoLab): T3-Play.with.content-challenge.ipynb
Virus Image: T1-coronvirus-mask.png
Image Lenna: T2-lenna.png
- Feature vectors
- Feature Space
- Quantization
- Metrics (Distance and Similarity)
- Global and Local Features (Color Histograms, LBP, SIFT)
Lecture Slides: L4-Feature.Extraction.pdf
Video Link: https://youtu.be/7UUWyQiCtfU?si=mbCBjrJLwoi6kXhO
Demo: Keypoint extraction and tracking
Demo 2: Keypoint extraction and tracking
Tutorial Tasks (Google CoLab): T4-Feature_extraction_task
Tutorial Answers (Google CoLab): T4-Feature_extraction_answers
- Clustering
- K-Means
- Content-based image retrieval (CBIR)
- Bag of Visual Words (BoVW)
Lecture Slides: L5-Image.Retrieval.pdf
Video Link:https://youtu.be/VtCf9HCqAEw?si=a-7A9YHesKOWu49g
Tutorial Tasks (Google CoLab): T5-Image.retrieval-tasks.ipynb
Sample Code for tone modifier challange:
- For vocabulary learning: T5-Challenge-train
- Tone modification and display: T5-Challenge-display
- Classification
- Supervised learning
- K nearest neighbors (k-NN)
- Bayesian classifiers
- Support vector machines (SVM)
Lecture Slides: L6-Image.Classification.pdf
Video Link: https://youtu.be/bUwGY5sqZHU?si=GSxOPDWWQaSr0dw9
Paper Rock Scissors Game Demo: https://youtu.be/dGwou6Khvqo?si=zoMzRBObLU9FUXZr
Tutorial Tasks: T6-Image-Classification
Challenges: T6-Challenges
- Traditional machine learning vs. deep learning
- Gradient decent
- Neural networks
- Deep neural networks
- Convolutional neural networks (CNN)
- Layers, pooling, and activations
- AlexNet, VGG, and ResNet
Lecture Slides: L7-Machine.learning.Deep.learning.pdf
Video Link: https://youtu.be/xc5MKb8LNBo?si=MlCAFszzgy001A3e
Tutorial Tasks (Google CoLab): T7-Machine.learning.Deep.learning-tasks.ipynb
Tutorial Data: T7-data.zip
- Deep image retrieval
- Feature aggregation/embedding/fusion
- Fine tuning (Siamese/Triplet networks)
- R-Mac, VLAD, BoVW
Lecture Slides: L8-Deep.image.retrieval.pdf
Video Link: https://youtu.be/klu6SHHoC2E?si=5vCc6-mbt-VzCOlN
Tutorial Answers (Google CoLab): T8-Deep.image.retrieval-answers.ipynb
Tutorial Data: T8-data.zip
Pytorch - Quick Start: T8-Pytorch-Quick-Start.ipynb
- Class Activation Mapping (CAM)
- Attentions
- Self-Attentions, and Transformers
Lecture Slides: L9-CAM.Attention.Transformer.pdf
Video Link: https://youtu.be/Ypi4F7nt2u4?si=9FDTkpZw3UIjwdvz
Tutorial Answers: T9-CAM and ViT
- Object detection and Image Segmentation
- Yolo
- UNet,
- R-CNN, Fast-RCNN, Faster-RCNN, Mask-RCNN
Lecture Slides: L10-Detection.Segmentation.pdf
Video Link: https://youtu.be/gdDDQtcttZA?si=LgCJqo5hs1vuT7Bg
Tutorial Answers (Google CoLab): T10-Detection.Segmentation-answers.ipynb
Tutorial Data: T10-Images
- Multi-task learning
- N-shot learning (Few-shot, Zero-shot)
- Transfer learning, Metric learning, Meta-learning
- Generative networks (VAE, GAN)
- Reinforcement learning
Lecture Slide: L11-Learning.Paradigms.pdf
Video Link: https://youtu.be/_jyfvaiB4g4
Tutorial RNN: T11-RNN.ipynb
Tutorial Slides: T11-RNN-and-Network-Debug
- RNN and Image Captioning
- Transformers
- Large Language Models
Lecture Slide: L12-Large.Models.pdf
Appendix: Image-Synthesis