A behavior to create banners and sliders from banners.
A banner is usually some text and an image that is displayed above of the content.
The behavior collective.behavior.banner.banner.IBanner
has various fields (image, title, subtitle, richtext, link, linkcaption etc) that are combined to build a banner. You can enable the behavior on any Dexterity type (tested with plone.app.contenttypes).
The behavior collective.behavior.banner.slider.ISlider
adds th eoption to add relations to several banners (i.e. items that have the Banner-behavior enabled). These banners are then displayed like a banner but fade .
The slider-viewlet uses the js-library http://responsiveslides.com and fades from one banner to another.
Before you use a slider/carousel on your website plase take time to read this http://shouldiuseacarousel.com.
Banners are inherited to child-objects. In a controlpanel you can configure which types should display inherited banners. You can also prevent inheriting banners for an item by enabling the option Do not inherit banner from parents on the banner-tab.
To change the appearance (e.g. if you use a bootstrap-theme or want to use a different effect in the slider) you can easily override the respective viewlets with z3c.jbot or plone.app.themingplugins (if you use plone.app.theming). The names of the viewlets would be collective.behavior.banner.browser.banner.pt
and collective.behavior.banner.browser.slider.pt
collective.behavior.banner is used on the following sites:
To install collective.behavior.banner you simply add collective.behavior.banner
to the list of eggs in your buildout, run buildout and restart Plone.
Then, install collective.behavior.banner using the Add-ons control panel.
Enable the behavior by hand or in the FTI <your_package>/profiles/default/types/Folder.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="Folder" meta_type="Dexterity FTI">
<property name="behaviors" purge="False">
<element value="collective.behavior.banner.banner.IBanner"/>
- Philip Bauer (pbauer)
- Steffen Lindner (Gomez)
- Stefan Antonelli (santonelli)