- Paris, France
- https://lopspower.medium.com/
KMPAuth Public
Forked from mirzemehdi/KMPAuthKotlin Multiplatform Authentication Library targetting android and iOS
Kotlin Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 8, 2024 -
KMPNotifier Public
Forked from mirzemehdi/KMPNotifierKotlin Multiplatform Push Notification Library targetting android, iOS, Desktop and Web (JS and Wasm)
Kotlin Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 5, 2024 -
PokeCardCompose Public
PokeCard Compose is a demo app 100% write in Compose, Flow and Koin based on MVI Clean Architecture 🐱⚡️
CircularProgressBar Public
Create circular ProgressBar in Android ⭕
RxAnimation Public
Simple way to animate your views on Android with Rx 🚀
CircularImageView Public
Create circular ImageView in Android in the simplest way possible
CleanRxArchitecture Public
Clean Rx Kotlin Architecture sample on GitHub Api 🚀
CircleView Public
Create circular view in android (change color, border & shadow) ⚫
RateBottomSheet Public
To help to promote your android app by prompting users to rate your app in a BottomSheet ⭐️
AutoScrollTextView Public
Sample Android application show how to set auto scroll in text view in android.
DualShot Public
With DualShot you take two photos with the front and the back camera, and share both of them in a single image.
Biometric Public
The easiest way is to use the new version of Biometric under AndroidX 🔒
CircularFillableLoaders Public
Realize a beautiful circular fillable loaders to be used for splashscreen 🌊
HFRecyclerView Public
Add Header and/or Footer in your RecyclerView in the simplest way possible.
LazyDatePicker Public
LazyDatePicker an alternative to the native Android Date Picker 📅
GradientView Public
Create gradient view in Android in the simplest way possible 🌈
SaveInsta Public
Example dynamic update of your theme based on a main color