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ESPhome for BENTEL KYO Units

buy me a coffee

Serial Bridge for Bentel Kyo32G Alarm Central, based on ESP8266 Board and ESPHome Open Source Firmware. Thanks to @dario81 for initial porting to ESPHome and to @lcavalli for code refactor inspiration ;)

If you like this project you can support me with ☕ or simply put a ⭐ to this repository 😊

Buy Me A Coffee

Warning ⚠️ This software was developed by analyzing serial messages from/to central, it was not sponsored or officially supported by Bentel If someone from Bentel would like to contribute or collaborate please contact me at [email protected]

Tested on Kyo Unit

  • Bentel Kyo 32G
  • Bentel Kyo 32
  • Bentel Kyo 8
  • Bentel Kyo 8W
  • Bentel Kyo 8WG
  • If you have another Bentel Kyo unit test and let me know :)


Hardware Connections

I strongly recommend using an WeMos D1 Mini ( but any board based on ESP8266 should be fine. If you encounter disconnections, you might want to try a more powerful one based on the ESP32 instead, like this one

ESP Wiring

In order to connect to the serial port of the KYO Unit I recommend a connector based on MAX3232 module chip with DB9 connector. This connector should be connected to the classic TX/RX of the ESP board and to the power supply (GND, 5V) on WeMos.

Central Connections

The WeMos can be powered with USB directly from the 12V output of the control unit (the +/- pins on the lower left, powering the sensors) by connecting any 12V->USB converter. Like this one:

Which I recommend because in this way, even in case of power failure, the ESP is powered by the control unit's battery. For connecting the power supply to the control unit I recommend taking the power supply from the terminal for auxiliary devices (+B/AUX). Negative/common can be taken from any negative.


ESPHome Preparation

I suggest using the file espkyogate_configuration.yaml as a template and put your customizations there.

  • Set uart settings in base depending on the board you use, example file is for Wemos D1 mini.
  • Set name, friendly_name (how it will be presented in HA).
  • Edit binary_sensors to configure how you want to present the sensors to Home Assistant.
    • All inputs have to be declared in both lambda and binary_sensors. Add only the ones you need to minimize overhead and complexity.
    • Make sure the order is respected between the two lists

Appropriate device classes are (among all device classes supported by Home Assistant):

Device class Home Assistant icons
motion mdi-walk mdi-run
window mdi-window-closed mdi-window-open
door mdi-door-closed mdi-door
garage_door mdi-garage mdi-garage-open
smoke mdi-smoke-detector-alert

Finally, create a secrets.yaml file with the following contents:

wifi_ssid: "<your-wifi-ssid>"
wifi_password: "<your-wifi-password>"
hotspot_wifi_ssid: "<fallback-hotspot-wifi-ssid>"
hotspot_wifi_password: "<fallback-hotspot-wifi-password>"
ota_password: "<your-ota-password>"
api_encryption_key: "<your-encryption-key>"
  • Populate wifi_ssid and wifi_password with details on how to connect to your network.
  • Choose and write a hotspot_wifi_ssid and hotspot_wifi_password so the board can create a fallback hotspot in case of a failure of the main wifi network.
  • Write a random password in ota_password, which will be used to update the board remotely.
  • Generate an encryption key from ESPHome and set it in api_encryption_key

Build and Upload Firmware

With ESPHome

This way is the easiest, just copy the files from this repository to the esphome folder, edit the espkyogate_configuration.yaml file as above, upload and see if everything works from the logs. You should see something similar. ESPHomeLogs

The ESPHome interface can help if you never used it before.

From esphome command line

python3 -m esphome compile espkyogate_configuration.yaml

python3 -m esphome run espkyogate_configuration.yaml

The above command uploads the new firmware and automatically waits for a connection to read logs. It's strongly suggested to set the logger.level to DEBUG at the first run to troubleshoot connection mistakes. Then set it back to INFO once it's stable.

Check logs

See logs with this command python3 -m esphome logs espkyogate_configuration.yaml

Make sure you always connect OTA instead of with the serial to USB port becaues it might be disabled due to a bug.

Home Assistant Integration

If everything went well now you should find a new autodiscovered device in Home Assistant, called Allarme.

All sensors configured in espkyogate_configuration.yaml will be automatically created and associated to the device.

Lovelace card

Avaiable Services

These methods will be available in the services

Area Arm

service: esphome.espkyogate_arm_area
  arm_type: 1 (total arm) - 2 (partially arm)
  area: <area_number>
  specific_area: 1 (arm only <area_number> without changing the others) - 0 (arm only <area_number> and disarm others)

Area Disarm

service: esphome.espkyogate_disarm_area
  area: <area_number>
  specific_area: 0 (disarm all areas) - 1 (disarm only <area_number> without changing the others)

Zone Include

service: esphome.espkyogate_include_zone
  zone_number: <zone_number>

Zone Exclude

service: esphome.espkyogate_exclude_zone
  zone_number: <zone_number>

Reset Alarm Memory

service: esphome.espkyogate_reset_alarms
data: {}

Activate Output

If an output is configured as 'Remote Command' (Comando Remoto) you can Activate or Deactivate

service: esphome.espkyogate_activate_output
  output_number: <output_number>

Deactivate Output

If an output is configured as 'Remote Command' (Comando Remoto) you can Activate or Deactivate

service: esphome.espkyogate_deactivate_output
  output_number: <output_number>

Pulse Output

If an output is configured as 'Remote Command' (Comando Remoto) you can use as Pulse Signal: form Inactive to Active and Inactive after some time You can choose how many milliseconds the signal should remain high level.

service: esphome.espkyogate_pulse_output
  output_number: <output_number>
  pulse_time: <pulse_time>

Update Unit Date and Time

You can update the Kyo Date and Time internal Clock

service: esphome.espkyogate_update_datetime
  day: 22
  month: 12
  year: 2022
  hours: 18
  minutes: 15
  seconds: 00

Arm more than one area

If you want to arm several areas at the same time you have to call the same service several times, introducing a delay between one call and the next. Below is an example of a script that arms two areas.

alias: Bentel Arma Fuori Casa
  - service: esphome.espkyogate_arm_area
      area: 1
      arm_type: 1
      specific_area: 1
  - wait_template: ''
    timeout: '00:00:05'
  - service: esphome.espkyogate_arm_area
      area: 2
      arm_type: 1
      specific_area: 1
  - wait_template: ''
    timeout: '00:00:05'
  - service: esphome.espkyogate_arm_area
      area: 3
      arm_type: 1
      specific_area: 1
mode: single

Create Lovelace Panel

Here the code to build Panel show above

type: vertical-stack
title: Allarme Bentel Casa
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: button
        name: Arma in casa
          action: call-service
          service: esphome.espkyogate_arm_area
            arm_type: 1
            area: 3
            specific_area: 1
        show_state: true
        show_icon: true
        show_name: true
        icon: mdi:shield-home-outline
        icon_height: 25px
      - type: button
        name: Arma Fuori Casa
          action: call-service
          service: script.bentel_arma_fuori_casa
          service_data: {}
          target: {}
        show_icon: true
        show_state: true
        icon: mdi:shield-lock-outline
        icon_height: 25px
      - type: button
        name: Disarma
          action: call-service
          service: esphome.espkyogate_disarm_area
            area: 1
            specific_area: 0
        show_state: true
        show_icon: true
        icon_height: 25px
        icon: mdi:alarm-note-off
  - type: entities
      - entity: binary_sensor.porta_ingresso
        secondary_info: last-updated
      - entity: binary_sensor.radar_living
        secondary_info: last-updated
      - entity: binary_sensor.radar_camera
        secondary_info: last-updated
      - entity: binary_sensor.radar_mansarda
        secondary_info: last-updated
      - entity: binary_sensor.radar_lavanderia
        secondary_info: last-updated
      - entity: binary_sensor.persiana_bagno
        secondary_info: last-updated
      - entity: binary_sensor.persiana_cucina
        secondary_info: last-updated
      - entity: binary_sensor.persiana_living
        secondary_info: last-updated
    state_color: true
    show_header_toggle: false


If you have any problems, make the following checks:

  • Exit the programming mode of the control unit, the serial line does not work in programming mode
  • Check that the cables are connected correctly
  • Check the 232 converter is properly powered
  • Try to reverse TX and RX
  • (Only for Kyo32G) Verify that the central unit has firmware 2.13, if it isn't you've to update central unit firmware to this version.

Diagnostics Service

For diagnostics you can enable additional software logs through this service. If necessary, contact me with an extract of the logs so that I can help you better.

service: esphome.espkyogate_debug_command
  serial_trace: 1
  log_trace: 1
  polling_kyo: 1
  • serial_trace Enable or Disable Serial Log communication to central unit
  • log_trace Enable or Disable Application Log
  • polling_kyo Enable or Disable continuative polling to central unit (default always Enable)


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