System Administrator Guide DNS4J Server
On Linux:
Install Java 6 Runtime Enviroment on you server download latest DNS4J release from put downloaded jar in $JRE_HOME/lib/ext create configurations files: mkdir /etc/dns4j touch /etc/dns4j/nsd.yml if you choose to use MySQL as zone storage do also: install mysql jdbc driver in $JRE_HOME/lib/ext create database (CREATE DATABASE dns4j) create a database user (GRANT ALL ON dns4j.* TO 'dns4j'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password') initialize database (run java it.lorenzoingrilli.dns4j.nsadmin --install-db -j jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dns4j --username=dns4j --password=password) done Configuration
The default configuration file is located in /etc/dns4j/nsd.yml
You can configure various component using YAML language:
generic components plugins resolvers A simple configuration file (tcp/udp sever, yaml zones datastore):
And example yaml zones file (/etc/dns4j/zones.yml):
!zone name: rrs:
- !soa { name:, mname:, rname:, ttl: 300}
- !txt { name:, data: test, ttl: 100 }
- !a { name:, address: }
- !mx { name:, exchange:, preference: 10 }
Command line utilities
Launch name server daemon:
java it.lorenzoingrilli.dns4j.nsd Supported Resource Records (RR)
Currently dns4j support following kind of resource records: SOA, NS, A, AAAA, MX, CNAME, TXT, HINFO, PTR, SRV Unknown RR are also supported.
Following resolvers are supported:
Yaml Resolver. Shortcut !yamlresolver , you should indicate a 'file' properties, this file is the zones file in yaml format. Database Resolver. Shorcut !dbresolver, you should indicate a 'datasource'. Scripted Resolver. Shortcut !scriptresolver, you should indicate a 'file' properties. This file is a script which return a DNS Message. All language compatible with "JSR 223: Scripting for the Java™ Platform API" are supported (tested aganist Groovy 1.7 and JRuby 1.9). You can have a statefull script (across multiple executions) by using the 'context' variable (map).
Developing using DNS4J Query DNS server. Example:
import; import it.lorenzoingrilli.dns4j.protocol.Clazz; import it.lorenzoingrilli.dns4j.protocol.Message; import it.lorenzoingrilli.dns4j.protocol.Type; import it.lorenzoingrilli.dns4j.protocol.impl.MessageBuilder; import it.lorenzoingrilli.dns4j.resolver.impl.DNSClient;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
DNSClient client = new DNSClient();
client.addServer(InetAddress.getByName(""), 53);
MessageBuilder mb = new MessageBuilder();
Message req =
.addQuestion("", Type.A)
Message resp = client.query(req);
System.out.println("REQUEST "+req);
System.out.println("RESPONSE "+resp);
This is the output:
REQUEST Message(header=Header(id=10531, qr=false, opcode=0, aa=false, tc=false, rd=true, ra=false, z=0, rcode=0, qd=1, an=0, ns=0, ar=0), question=[Question(, type=1, class=1)], answer=[], authority[], additional=[]) RESPONSE Message(header=Header(id=10531, qr=true, opcode=0, aa=false, tc=false, rd=true, ra=true, z=0, rcode=0, qd=1, an=2, ns=0, ar=0), question=[Question(, type=1, class=1)], answer=[CNAME(, ttl=507,, A(, ttl=507, address=], authority[], additional=[])
License DNS4J is released under LGPLv3 license.
TODO switch to gradle Add XML Zones support Add BIND9 Zones compatibility Implement Caching System Add compression support in message serialization Implement DNS-JNDI Provider Implement various Resource Records (null, mb, md, mf, mg, minfo, mr, wks, spf, dname, loc, ds, kx, key, naptr, rp, sig, tkey, tsig) Implement DNSSec specification Add DNS-Update support Add DNS-Notify support enable resolvers to auto-detect misconfiguration and possible optimization and report it to sysadmin Implement recursive resolver Create ant target to build packages for various unix distributions write man-pages