⚠️ Note: This template use a dirty solution that wraps the Program code in a c# .net class library, but it is a quick one to start coding in VS Code since it provides autocompletion of Space Engineers classes. There are more robusts solutions, but I just wanted a bare minimum (Making it work in eclipse on linux wasn't fun).
- Install Space Engineers (or else!)
- Install Visual Studio Code (2015 or later)
- Install NuGet Packet Manager and C# Extension (from OmniSharp)
- Install .net core sdk (VS Code may alert you of this after installing the C# extension)
- Install .net framework 4.6.1 developer pack
- Download .NET core build tools:
- Download Tools for Visual Studio 2019 , this will launch the Visual Studio Installer , then select .NET core build tools only (.NET Core 2.1 LTS Runtime is not required)
- Clone or download this repository
- copy and paste the SpaceEngineers\Luisau\Template folder to a new one, i.e.: SpaceEngineers\Luisau\MyCoolScript and change the name of the program-template.cs file in there to mycoolscript.cs
- Open VS Code, and Using File > Open Folder open the cloned repository root folder.
- Once VS Code loads, open the mycoolscript.cs file and edit the Namespace and place your code in the designated space inside the template.
- If you have installed SE in a different location (other than
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers
), you should open the SpaceEngineers.csproj file and fix the paths.
I used ideas from gregretkowski and mrdaemon, cheers!.