Lagom Group
- The Netherlands
- @lquispel
A list of all known tools available for the Bluesky platform
web interface for labeling content in atproto / Bluesky
ATProto Feed Generator Starter Kit
A Python library to manage bluetooth switch, scheduler and smart energy meter Voltcraft SEM 6000 with Linux
A plugin that will automatically download PDFs of zotero items from sci-hub
A cyber security Wargame in the universe of space pirates
A social distancing analyzer AI tool to regulate social distancing protocol using video surveillance of CCTV cameras and drones. Social Distancing Analyser to prevent COVID19
Open source educational and historical battle action game, All helps accepted
Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing is an implementation of Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM), a theory of intelligence based strictly on the neuroscience of the neocortex.
Data and code for COVID-19 NPI effectiveness estimation.
Code for Integrating Computational Tools into Foreign Policy
A Mesa-based ABM for modeling meme propagation on social media
Disease propagation ABM generating SIR, severe cases, and R0 over quasi-time.
Supplemental information and data for the manuscript 'Sparking "The BBC Four Pandemic": Leveraging citizen science and mobile phones to model the spread of disease'
COVID-19 Agent-based Simulator (Covasim): a model for exploring coronavirus dynamics and interventions
A systems dynamics economics modeling software
The ReScience journal. Reproducible Science is Good. Replicated Science is better.