An orribol copi of FlipperZero, uit worst inglish
A Flipper Zero clone, but cheapest, DIY and simply Open Source, made with Arduino IDE
⚠️ Important Notice: This is just a fun project, it was started to pass the time, it is not at all professional and is not intended to be. Is not an alternative for professional device.
- STM32-L432KC (Microcontroller)
- FS1000a (Radio freq Transmitter)
- RXB12 (Radio freq Receiver)
- PN532 (RFID/NFC)
- PN7150 (need to test)
- IR LED & Reciver
- SSD1306(Display 128x64 OLED)
- TF CardMemory Shield
- TP4056 (Battery charger)
- DC-DC 5V BOOST (voltage booster)
- 6x 6x6x8mm push button
- Micro usb smd
- Battery 3.7 lipo
RFID/NFC (Work in progress)
- Read ir signal and emulate it or save it
- Read rf signal and emulate it or save it
Save/Load from SD
All programmable via Arduino Ide
Add 3d printed shell (, not finished yet
- Resovle SD problem with SSD1306
- Do the sd menu
- save/load from sd
- Make sd listing
- Fix bugs on the sd listing
- Finish the rf scanner and sender
- Menu'
- BadUsb
- Ir
- Fix bug when show ir data
- Rfid
- Read UID
- Emualting
- Finish save rfid
- First pcb
- New version of pcb
- Try PN7150 intead of PN532
- Documentation