🚀 插件生态 x 工作流系统, DIY 你自己的 AI 聊天机器人!支持DeepSeek、Claude、OpenAI、Gemini、ChatGLM、Ollama,人设调教,虚拟女仆、语音对话 | 支持 QQ、Telegram、Discord、微信 等平台
An elegent pytorch implement of transformers
⚡ boost inference speed of GPT models in transformers by onnxruntime
Search algorithm use bm25 Recommended news algorithm use Doc2vec
Collection of generative models, e.g. GAN, VAE in Pytorch and Tensorflow.
slot filling, intent detection, joint training, ATIS & SNIPS datasets, the Facebook’s multilingual dataset, MIT corpus, E-commerce Shopping Assistant (ECSA) dataset, CoNLL2003 NER, ELMo, BERT, XLNet
Apache Superset is a Data Visualization and Data Exploration Platform
Simple question answering over knowledge graphs (Mohammed et al., NAACL 2018)
A tutorial and implement of disease centered Medical knowledge graph and qa system based on it。知识图谱构建,自动问答,基于kg的自动问答。以疾病为中心的一定规模医药领域知识图谱,并以该知识图谱完成自动问答与分析服务。
Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
100+ Chinese Word Vectors 上百种预训练中文词向量
implement retrieval-based chatbot. see more in this [blog](
semantic analysis using word2vector, doc2vector,lstm and other method. mainly for text similarity analysis.
Code for Tensorflow Machine Learning Cookbook
MovieLens based recommender system.使用MovieLens数据集训练的电影推荐系统。