jira_weekly Public
Stuff for getting things out of that steaming pile known as JIRA
Perl UpdatedJul 12, 2019 -
test Public
This is just a test. This is only a test. Had this been a real repo something less interesting would be here.
UpdatedAug 3, 2017 -
WWW-SmartSheet Public
Forked from manwar/WWW-SmartSheetPerl Client API for Smartsheet.com
Perl UpdatedJun 26, 2017 -
donjon Public
Forked from krmaxwell/donjonFree code from http://donjon.bin.sh/code/
C UpdatedNov 14, 2014 -
puppet-module-idmapd Public
Forked from sfu-rcg/puppet-module-idmapdManage NFSv4 UID/GID mapping daemon
Puppet Other UpdatedOct 6, 2014 -
titlecase Public
Forked from ap/titlecaseAn attempt to refactor John Gruber’s Title Case program
p5-www-trello Public
A Perl interface to the API for www.trello.com
Perl Artistic License 2.0 UpdatedApr 20, 2014 -
App-perlbrew Public
Forked from gugod/App-perlbrewManage perl installations in your $HOME
puppet-rvm Public
Forked from blt04/puppet-rvmA puppet module for installing and using RVM (Ruby Version Manager)
SyntaxHighlighter Public
Forked from syntaxhighlighter/syntaxhighlighterSyntaxHighlighter is a fully functional self-contained code syntax highlighter developed in JavaScript.
JavaScript-Ical-Parser Public
Forked from thybag/JavaScript-Ical-ParserProof of concept Javascript ical (.ics) parser
OpenTabCount Public
Forked from hmason/OpenTabCountThe OpenTabCount Firefox extension.
JavaScript UpdatedMar 8, 2010