In the '' script, BeautifulSoup is used to scrape IMDB's website for their 250 highest rated movies. Then, these titles are sent to's API to return more information about the movies and their directors and lead actors. This data is then cleaned and compiled into 3 seperate csv files for SQL databse construction.
In the '' script, Pandas is used to convert the three csv files into dataframes. 'mysql.connector' is used to create three connected tables outs of these dataframes and input the data.
Lastly, the 'imdb_clone_views.sql' script creates and presents four different views from our joined tables.
To run this program, create a '.env' text file in the provided repository. In this '.env' file, add your API key (free to get), your mysql server root, your mysql username, and your mysql password as follows:
API_KEY = "apikey123"
HOST = "localhost"
USER = "root"
PASSWD = "yourpassword"