🇺🇸 Müd is a mobile and desktop application to manage Panic Syndrome Patients. This Ionic-4, PHP and Javascript-based project is also the Final paper for the Technical Diploma of Informatics course at CTI-UNESP (Class of 2019).
🇧🇷 Müd é uma aplicação mobile e desktop com o intuito de gerenciar pacientes de Síndrome do Pânico. Este projeto, baseado em PHP, Ionic-4 e Javascript, é também o TCC do curso técnico em Informática do CTI-UNESP (Turma de 2019).
Click here to access our User Guide.
The official technical documentation for Müd (70 pages) can be found here.
We also created a 2-min presentation video on YouTube. You can watch it here
Müd is divided in three different integrated apps: a mobile app aimed to the patient, a mobile app aimed for the professional and a desktop-based dashboard also for the professional. Each of the three components can be connected to each other through a simple QR-code pairing method.
Here's a demonstration on how the pairing works between the Patient and Pro apps:
For the complete collection of Müd interfaces, please check out the official documentation.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.