Ever wondered if a GitHub project is actively maintained?
isMaintained is a Chrome extension that seamlessly indicates whether a GitHub project is actively maintained or not. To provide this information, we only install a small icon in the right side of a repository's page.
This icon (and its color) is used to inform the maintenance level a project, as follows:
The project is under continuous maintenance. In this case, we classify the maintenance activity in three levels: high (green icon), fair (yellow icon) or borderline (orange icon). You can also click on the icon to see the project's classification.
The project is not under maintenance or is rarely maintained (red icon).
A grey icon indicates the project is not analysed by isMaintained (for example, because it only contains documentation, only uses GitHub as a mirror, or not handle issues using GitHub).
isMaintained relies on machine learning classifiers to predict the maintenance status of a GitHUb project. The classifiers are trained with several metrics about a project's maintenance activity over time, including number of commits, opened/merged pull requests, opened/closed issues, etc.
isMaintained is a research prototype from the Applied Software Engineering Research Group, at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. For more information, see this paper.
Published @ https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ismaintained/oeacpnaalfhjklghnocjfeecmminnhhd