Medium for Hackers - A CLI for reading Medium Stories.
It helps you read awesome medium articles right in your terminal.
$ npm install -g mediumcli
Usage: medium [options] [command]
top [options] List Medium Top Stories
read <url> Read the story right in your terminal
open [options] <url> Opens it in your browser
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
top [options]
n, --number <int>", "specify number of stories
open [options] <url>
-a, --app <application> specify app to open the url. Eg: firefox
There are three commands available: medium top
, medium read
, medium open
$ medium top
List Medium Top Stories
$ medium top -n 5
List only top 5 Medium Stories
$ medium read <url>
Read the story right in your terminal
$ medium open <url>
Opens it in your browser
$ medium open -a firefox <url>
Opens it in the given application, like it opens the url using firefox in above example.
Feel free to submit issues and enhancement requests.
medium-cli is written in NodeJs and would love to accept pull requests for any issues or feature request.
Copyright (c) 2016 Dheeraj Joshi Licensed under the MIT license.