Testing Kafka Connect transforms is not easy. This project aims to provide a simple way to test Kafka Connect transforms. You can use it as a CLI or as a library for unit testing.
First you need to unzip kafka connect transforms in the connect-plugins
The needed transform packages for unit tests are:
- confluent connect transformations: https://www.confluent.io/hub/confluentinc/connect-transforms
- jcustenborder common transformations: https://www.confluent.io/hub/jcustenborder/kafka-connect-transform-common (https://github.com/jcustenborder/kafka-connect-transform-common)
- my extended Hoist transformation: https://github.com/ludovic-boutros/kafka-custom-transforms/releases/download/v1.0/lboutros-kafka-custom-transforms-1.0.zip (https://github.com/ludovic-boutros/kafka-custom-transforms)
A simple script is provided to download and unzip the needed transforms: get-smt-packages.sh. This script uses the confluent-hub script. You can download it here: https://docs.confluent.io/current/connect/managing/confluent-hub/client.html#confluent-hub-client.
You can use it directly using maven exec plugin:
mvn exec:exec
./smt-test -c src/test/resources/splunk-s2s-source-connector.json -p connect-plugins -i src/test/resources/internal-server-input-event.json --type source
The general CLI usage is:
Missing required options: '--connector-config=<connectorConfigFile>', '--plugin-path=<pluginPath>', '--input-event=<inputEventFile>'
Usage: test [-hV] -c=<connectorConfigFile> -i=<inputEventFile> -p=<pluginPath>
Tests a Kafka Connect Connector SMT pipeline with a given event input.
-c, --connector-config=<connectorConfigFile>
The Connector configuration file.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-i, --input-event=<inputEventFile>
The event input file.
-p, --plugin-path=<pluginPath>
The Connector needed plugin path.
--type=<type> source or sink connector. Default: source.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
mvn test