Artificial neural networks are computing systems inspired by the biological neural networks that constitute animal brain.
- Neurons number on input layer: 4
- Neurons number on hidden layer: 50
- Neurons number on input layer: 2
- Acttivation function: LeakyReLU (on hidden layer) and Sigmoid (output layer)
- Learning rate: 0.00003
Breast Cancer Winsconsin (Diagnostic) Data set, from UCI - Machine Learning Repository
Attribute | Abbreviation |
Clump Thickness | CT |
Uniformity of Cell Size | UCS |
Uniformity of Cell Shape | UC |
Marginal Adhesion | MA |
Single Epithelial Cell Size | SECS |
Bare Nuclei | BN |
Bland Chromatin | BC |
Normal Nucleoli | NN |
Mitoses | M |
- Colaborators