HiL simulator in Omnet++ for my bachelor thesis
- M.Sc. Christoph Funda (also supervisor of this thesis)
- Lukas Böhm
- Tobias Konheiser
- Christoph Funda, Reinhard German, Kai-Steffen Hielscher: Discrete event simulation for the purpose of real-time performance evaluation of distributed hardware-in-the-loop simulators for autonomous driving vehicle validation
- Lukas Böhm: Evaluation of an OS scheduler, task dispatcher & CPU model and Integration into a existing OMNeT++ model for Performance Evaluation of Hardware-in-the-loop rigs for Autonomous Driving System Validation
- Tobias Konheiser: Evaluation of tools and methods for determining application delays of Streaming SW with HW influences and Integration into an OMNeT++ model for Performance Evaluation of Hardware-in-the-loop rigs for Autonomous Driving System Validation