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CustomPIXIParticles by @lukasz-okuniewicz

CustomPIXIParticles is a lightweight, high-performance library designed for creating and managing customizable particle effects in PIXI.js applications. It offers an intuitive API, flexible configuration options, and seamless compatibility with modern PIXI.js versions, making it an essential tool for developers looking to create stunning visual effects.

Support My Work

If you find CustomPIXIParticles useful and would like to support my work, you can buy me a coffee. Your contributions help me dedicate more time to improving this library and creating new features for the community. Thank you for your support! ☕💖

Buy Me a Coffee

✨ Features

  • Simple API: Effortlessly create particle emitters with minimal code.
  • Highly Configurable: Adjust particle behavior, appearance, animation, and more.
  • Performance Optimized: Handle thousands of particles with minimal performance overhead.
  • PIXI.js Compatibility: Fully compatible with PIXI.js v8, PIXI.js v7, with legacy support for v5.x and v6.x.
  • Real-Time Customization: Dynamically update textures, positions, configurations, and emitters on the fly.

🎮 Demo

Try it out here: CustomPIXIParticles Live Editor

🛠️ Installation

Install via npm:

npm install custom-pixi-particles

🚀 Quick Start

Import or Require

// ES6 Modules
import customPixiParticles from 'custom-pixi-particles'

// CommonJS
const customPixiParticles = require('custom-pixi-particles')

Create Particle Effects

// Define textures and emitter configuration
const textures = ['texture1.png', 'texture2.png']
const emitterConfig = {
  // Your configuration object

// Initialize particle emitter
const particles = customPixiParticles.create({ textures, emitterConfig })

// Add emitter to the PIXI container

// Start the emitter

📖 API Reference

Initializes a particle emitter.

const particles = customPixiParticles.create({
  textures: [String],             // Array of particle textures
  emitterConfig: Object,          // Configuration object for the emitter
  animatedSpriteZeroPad: Number,  // Zero-padding for animated sprite names
  animatedSpriteIndexToStart: Number, // Initial frame index for animated sprites
  finishingTextures: [String],    // Textures used for particle finishing
  vertices: Boolean,              // Use vertex mode for rendering
  position: Boolean,              // Allow position-based behavior
  rotation: Boolean,              // Allow rotation-based behavior
  uvs: Boolean,                   // Apply UV mapping
  tint: Boolean,                  // Apply tint to particles
  maxParticles: Number,           // Maximum particles allowed
  maxFPS: Number,                 // Cap emitter update frequency
  tickerSpeed: Number,            // Speed of the PIXI ticker

Event Callbacks

Triggered when the particle animation completes.

particles.onComplete = () => {
  console.log("Particle animation finished!")

Texture Management

Updates the particle emitter's textures.

particles.setTextures(['texture3.png', 'texture4.png'])

Configuration Updates

Dynamically update emitter configurations.

particles.updateConfig({ /* New configuration properties */ })

State Control

Starts or resumes the emitter.

Toggles the paused state.


Terminates the emitter and stops emission.


Halts all emissions immediately.


Resets the emitter to its initial state.


Position Updates

Dynamically adjust the emitter's position.

particles.updatePosition({ x: 100, y: 200 })

Pool Management

Clears internal object pools to free memory.


🖥️ Versions Compatibility

PixiJS CustomPIXIParticles
v5.x - v6.x v4.x
v7.x v7.x
v8.x v8.x

🛠️ Advanced Editor

Easily design and fine-tune your particle effects with the CustomPIXIParticles Editor. 🔗 CustomPIXIParticles Live Editor

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, feature suggestions, and bug reports are welcome! Open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.

With CustomPIXIParticles, you're not just building animations; you're crafting immersive experiences! 🌟