A high-performance stats collection service based on etsy's statsd service and written in c#.net.
- Enables multiple latency buckets for the same metric to measure things like p90/5min and p90/1hour in one go
- Can receive stats over UDP, TCP and HTTP.
- Compatible with etsy's statds protocol for sending counts, timings, latencies and sets
- Supports librato.com as a backend
- Supports writing out to another statsd.net instance for relay configurations
The latest version is v1.1 (31-Oct), and can be downloaded on the releases page.
Statsd.net is actively being used in a high-volume multi-site production environment.
- Find all this and more on the statsd.net wiki
- App Fabric and memcached support to allow horizontal scaling, with load balancing and storage re
- More backends
- Web-based management console with a RESTful API
- Histogram stats
Luke Venediger - [email protected]
MIT Licence.