A boilerplate using React16, Redux, React-Router v4 + SSR(Server Side Rendering), Node, Express, and MongoDB in TypeScript. Support debugging in Visual Studio Code and Google Chrome.
Node.js v10.x.x.
1.Install Node.js v10.x.x. https://nodejs.org/
npm install
npm run build
npm test
npm start
npm run dev ( or gulp )
Under this mode, Goemon automatically rebuilds and refresh the browser when you change your code.
npm run pack
npm run rebuild
npm run clean
@kazkondo on Twitter
- Node.js 10
- React 16
- Redux
- Express 4
- Typescript 3
- Jest
- gulp
- webpack 4
- react-router 5
- graphql
- Material UI 4
- Passport
- MongoDB 4
- .ejs
- TSLint
- ESLint
- Debugger for Chrome
- EditorConfig for VS Code
- Jest
- SESS IntelliSence