This template allows easy creation of UserScripts for Tampermonkey using Svelte.
Replace your-project-name
with whatever you would like the name of your project to be.
npm degit lupomikti/tampermonkey-svelte-vite your-project-name
cd your-project-name
npm i
npm run dev
If you do not have Tampermonkey installed yet, you can get it from Firefox Add-ons or the Chrome web store. However, only the Chrome version allows access to file URLs so it is recommended to use that for development.
Note: Allowing an extension access to files can have security risks. Please read and be informed about these risks prior to moving forward.
After you install Tampermonkey in Chrome, enable the "Allow access to file URL's"
setting in the extension settings for Tampermonkey.
Copy only the header details from dist/bundle.user.js
. It should look like this
// ==UserScript==
// @name tampermonkey-svelte-vite -> dev
// @description Tampermonkey template that uses svelte to build UserScripts
// @namespace
// @version 1.0.0
// @homepage
// @author Lucas Shanley
// @resource css file:///D:/tampermonkey-svelte-vite/dist/bundle.css
// @match https://**
// @connect
// @run-at document-idle
// @require file:///D:/tampermonkey-svelte-vite/dist/bundle.user.js
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant GM_getResourceText
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// ==/UserScript==
Add this as a new script into Tampermonkey. Remember to only copy the header details. Once this is done you should be able to reload your webpage and begin creating your script. When running npm run dev
your source will be watched and changes will rebuild automatically, you will need to refresh the browser to pickup the new changes.
IMPORTANT NOTE only changes to vite.config.ts
and the files to be
bundled will be watched and trigger a rebuild. Changes to the header will
need to be copied and pasted into Tampermonkey any time a change occurs.
Failing to do this may cause expected functionality to not behave as expected.
"name": "your-project-name",
"description": "Your project description...",
"author": "Your Name",
"homepage": ""
const distURLBase = ``;
headers: {
// Namespace of the script (ex:
namespace: "",
// Resources you wish the script to make use of
resource: {
css: "",
keyname: "",
// URLs you would like scripts to run on (list of strings)
match: [],
// Other javascript / scripts you wish to require and have included
require: [],
// GM_/GM.*/unsafewindow/window.* you wish to grant access to (list of strings)
grant: [],
// Domains you need to make requests from (list of strings)
connect: [],
By default some of the metadata for your project is shared with package.json
. This behavior is fine to alter to your needs by changing the values in vite.config.ts
See Tampermonkey Documentation for more details.
You can run npm run build
and this will change the header details in the dist script so that they are ready to deploy for people to use. This removes the references to local scripts and creates references to web urls using distURLBase