Lutece Demo site for the FORMS plugin.
This plugin offers a complete and flexible form management within a Lutece site. User interface : a forms display engine in front-office pages that manage the filling and saving process of the responsesAgent interface : a back-office "multiview" feature to search and display the form responses, and process workflow actions on it. Administrator interface : a back-office feature to design and publish the forms, including steps, transitions, controls, questions and groups of questions.
Plugin-forms is based on the features of the former plugin-form, and adds the followings improvement :
- forms composed of steps, with powerful transition management between steps,
- draft-mode : the user can partially fill out a form, save it, and complete later the full form submit,
- tree-based design of forms with possibility of groups inside groups,
- multiview feature: a configurable and workflow-capable feature to manage form responses
- improved management of conditional display of groups/questions,
- improved validation control management,
- architecture open to custom entry types
The form responses can be managed in back office through workflows.
The plugin-workflow is also enabled in this image and provide features like :
- Creation of workflow (conditionnal states and actions)
- processing of workflow actions on responses,
- response state monitoring,
- display of action history
- ...
docker build -t site-forms-demo .
All Lutece images are available at
docker run -p 80:8080 site-forms-demo
Connect to the back office with login/pwd : admin/adminadmin01
All Lutece sources are available at : ''
more information about Lutèce framework : ''