<<<<<<< HEAD
This is a library to process EEG data acquired in the project Neuro Leg
- Create 2 folders for storing raw data and processed data. e.g. "Raw Data", "Process Data"
- Copy raw data files (.mat files) and captrack files (.bvct) to the Raw Data.
- Run the UHBMIGUI_NEUROLEG matlab script to open the GUI.
- At the GUI interface. Select Setting Menu -> Set Data Folder...
- A small GUI will appear. Select "Raw Data" folder path for Raw Mat text box and "Process Data" folder path for Process Mat.
- Save the setting. This setting will save "Raw Data" and "Process Data" folders as your default when the main GUI is run next times.
- Go back to the main GUI (UHBMIGUI_NEUROLEG). Go to Function List and run Makeelecfile function to create .elc file for electrode positions.
- Run MakeEEGfile. This function will combine EEG file and .elc file and create new file in the "Process Data" folder.
- Data processing functions in Function List tree will run and update files in the "Process Data" Folder.
uhlib. Copy uhlib folder and place at the same level with UHBMIGUI_NEUROLEG
EEGLAB. Add eeglab to matlab path.
- Make sure you do this tutorial (https://try.github.io/levels/1/challenges/1)
- Create your own branch (e.g. Open Git shell -> git checkout -b sho)
Following steps are the steps you should take while coding:
Write code on your branch
Commit frequently
e.g. (If you are using Git Shell)
You wrote EMG analysis in EMGmodule.m
git add EMGmodule.m
git commit -m "Added EMG analysis (more description is good)"
- Make sure to push your changes at the end of the day to your branch
(If you are woking on branch called "sho")
git push origin sho
We gonna only merge into master occasionally
Ask Sho for merging to master or any other issue you face
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Explain what these tests test and why
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Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Trieu Phat Luu - Initial work (https://github.com/trieuphatluu)
- Sho Nakagome - Git management (https://github.com/shonakagome)
- Justin Brantley - Leading project ()
- Fangshi Zhu - Awesome Nice Looking Guy ()
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Hat tip to anyone who's code was used
- Inspiration
- etc =======