Docker container with the following included
- Java 8 (OpenJDK)
- NodeJS 10.15.3
- SAP Cloud Platform Neo Environment SDK 3.78.15
- Multi-Target Application Archive Builder 1.1.19
- Grunt CLI
- JQ
- Karma
Based on devops containers from
Can be used to
- create MTA builds
- deploy apps to SAP Cloud Platform Neo
- run OPA tests with Karma
Run Karma test:
/node_modules/karma/bin/karma start <conf.js>
RunMTA build:
mtaBuild --mtar ${mtaName}.mtar --build-target=NEO build
Deploy to SAP Cloud Platform: deploy-mta --user $CI_DEPLOY_USER --host $CI_DEPLOY_HOST --source ${mtaName}.mtar --account $CI_DEPLOY_ACCOUNT_AD1 --password $CI_DEPLOY_PASSWORD --synchronous