a lightly Windows Ftp Library for C++11
#include "win_ftp.hpp"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
WinFTP ftp;
if (!ftp.Open("", "admin", "test123",21)){
cout << "Login FTP Failed" << endl;
return -1;
} cout << "---------GetData--------" << endl;
BinaryData data;
data = ftp.Download("/key.txt");
cout << data.to_string() << endl;
ifstream f(R"(C:\Users\jack\Desktop\key.txt)", ios::in | ios::binary);
if (ftp.CreateDirectory("/newfolder")){
cout << "Make Success" << endl;
if (!ftp.Upload("/newfolder/w.txt", f)){
cout << "Upload Failed" << endl;
return -1;
cout << "-----Upload Data Success------" << endl;
cout << ftp.FtpCommand("LIST\r\n") << endl;
ftp.FtpCommand("MKD newfolder\r\n",FALSE);
valid commandABOR - abort a file transfer
CWD - change working directory
DELE - delete a remote file
LIST - list remote files
MDTM - return the modification time of a file
MKD - make a remote directory
NLST - name list of remote directory
PASS - send password
PASV - enter passive mode
PORT - open a data port
PWD - print working directory
QUIT - terminate the connection
RETR - retrieve a remote file
RMD - remove a remote directory
RNFR - rename from
RNTO - rename to
SITE - site-specific commands
SIZE - return the size of a file
STOR - store a file on the remote host
TYPE - set transfer type
USER - send username