Food Plan - a full stack web app to help parents track how often they've offered a food to a child.
JavaScript with React, HTML with JSX, NodeJS, MongoDB with mongoose, Jest for testing. Styled with Radix UI.
Live Site Here
Ditty - a music composition project in JavaScript. Uses code to draw SVG images of notes. Desktop only.
JavaScript, SVG, HTML, CSS
Live Site Here
I Know That Face - a Flask server which queries The Movie Database API and serves HTML pages showing the query results.
Python with Flask, HTML with Jinja, CSS
Live Site Here - please be patient, this loads slowly because the server is sleeping.
Age Calculator - a small, straightforward, responsive React application, working with Dates.
JavaScript with React, HTML with JSX, CSS, uses date-fns
Live Site Here
Smart Shopping List - The repo for the group project I contributed to at the Collab Lab.
JavaScript with React, HTML with JSX, CSS, Firebase, uses React Router
The project’s PR history - For the first six weeks of the project, I contributed code or a code review to each PR.
Live Site Here
QR Code - just a static page showing a QR code. The README documents my experience trying Lit.
JavaScript with Lit, HTML and CSS are part of the LitElement class
Live Site Here - inspect any element to see how it's nested under Lit's #shadow--root in the dom.
Language | Frameworks/Libraries | Testing Libraries | Databases |
JavaScript | React, Node | Jest, Cypress, Playwright | MongoDB, Firebase |
Python | Flask, Numpy, Pandas | Selenium | SQLite, PostgreSQL |
- First coded in fourth grade, putting everything I had into using a teaching language called LogoWriter to code an animation about idioms.
- Programmed a TI84 graphing calculator to solve my algebra homework problems.
- Studied C++ in high school.
- Studied some CS in college: Java, computer architecture, discrete math, data structures and algorithms.
- Worked in video game software QA, testing for compliance with specifications.
- Took a continuing ed. course in UX at the University of Washington. I was really into UX and user centered design for a while.
- Reintroduced myself to programming with Codecademy.
- Worked through about half of Automate the Boring Stuff with Python.
- Practiced JavaScript basics with freeCodeCamp. Earned their DSA certification.
- Put my skills to use in personal projects (the earliest ones aren’t on GitHub).
- beanTML, a single page of HTML about beans.
- The Plant, an attempt to recreate the indie solo RPG The Plant, which was orders of magnitude more difficult than I imagined starting out. Abandoned the project when I got tired of scrolling through pages of conditional statements.
- SimpleJournal, a journalling app that saves entries on the client device, with a default name of the current date.
- Ditty, a music game I recreated because its website shut down days after I gave it to my son, see link above.
- Took 100 Days of Python on Udemy, which covers many domains within Python development and becomes increasingly hands off, requiring significant research and problem solving.
- Started Full Stack open for an introduction to React, Node.js, and MongoDB.
- Built projects from Frontend Mentor to practice React.
- Practiced collaboration in The Collab Lab. After going it alone for so long, I knew I needed a structured environment to get more comfortable working with other developers and to build collaboration skills. I built so many skills for pair programming and working in a team, and I've seen the magic that can happen when successfully collaborating on a problem.
- Working through Full Stack open, learning about GraphQL, and working on my current project.