Teaching team: Elias Khalil ([email protected]), Kyle E. C. Booth, and Alex Olson
Welcome to the git repository for the FASE Machine Learning bootcamp! We will be using this repository for all of the lab sessions as well as the course slides.
Many of the slides are based on openly available course material from multiple universities, and are acknowledged in each slide deck. We appreciate their work!
The following are instructions for the programming labs.
First, please follow the instructions in this link to setup the software needed for the programming component.
If you're already comfortable cloning a git repository and using Jupyter notebooks on your machine, please carry on! Otherwise...
To use the notebooks in this repository, at the start of each day simply:
- In the top right click "Clone or download" and choose the "Download ZIP" option
- Navigate to where the ZIP file downloaded, and extract it to the location you want to work from
- Open your terminal and navigate to the directory you extracted the files to
- type 'jupyter notebook' to launch the notebook application
- Within the Jupyter browser, click on the lab associated with the session (e.g., lab-1-1-basics for the first lab of the bootcamp)
That's it! If you have any questions, please ask the Instructor or one of the TAs.