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ascoders committed Jun 22, 2020
1 parent 0d3d8ef commit 87c2745
Showing 1 changed file with 272 additions and 0 deletions.
272 changes: 272 additions & 0 deletions 156. 精读《react-intersection-observer 源码》.md
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
## 1 引言

[IntersectionObserver]( 可以轻松判断元素是否可见,在之前的 [精读《用 React 做按需渲染》]( 中介绍了原生 API 的方法,这次刚好看到其 React 封装版本 [react-intersection-observer](,让我们看一看 React 封装思路。

## 2 简介

[react-intersection-observer]( 提供了 Hook `useInView` 判断元素是否在可视区域内,API 如下:

import React from "react";
import { useInView } from "react-intersection-observer";

const Component = () => {
const [ref, inView] = useInView();

return (
<div ref={ref}>
<h2>{`Header inside viewport ${inView}.`}</h2>

由于判断元素是否可见是基于 dom 的,所以必须将 `ref` 回调函数传递给 **代表元素轮廓的 DOM 元素**,上面的例子中,我们将 `ref` 传递给了最外层 DIV。

`useInView` 还支持下列参数:

- `root`:检测是否可见基于的视窗元素,默认是整个浏览器 viewport。
- `rootMargin`:root 边距,可以在检测时提前或者推迟固定像素判断。
- `threshold`:是否可见的阈值,范围 0 ~ 1,0 表示任意可见即为可见,1 表示完全可见即为可见。
- `triggerOnce`:是否仅触发一次。

## 3 精读

首先从入口函数 `useInView` 开始解读,这是一个 Hook,利用 `ref` 存储上一次 DOM 实例,`state` 则存储 `inView` 元素是否可见的 boolean 值:

export function useInView(
options: IntersectionOptions = {},
): InViewHookResponse {
const ref = React.useRef<Element>()
const [state, setState] = React.useState<State>(initialState)

// 中间部分..

return [setRef, state.inView, state.entry]

当组件 ref 被赋值时会调用 `setRef`,回调 `node` 是新的 DOM 节点,因此先 `unobserve(ref.current)` 取消旧节点的监听,再 `observe(node)` 对新节点进行监听,最后 `ref.current = node` 更新旧节点:

// 中间部分 1
const setRef = React.useCallback(
(node) => {
if (ref.current) {

if (node) {
(inView, intersection) => {
setState({ inView, entry: intersection });

if (inView && options.triggerOnce) {
// If it should only trigger once, unobserve the element after it's inView

// Store a reference to the node, so we can unobserve it later
ref.current = node;
[options.threshold, options.root, options.rootMargin, options.triggerOnce]

另一段是,当 `ref` 不存在时会清空 `inView` 状态,毕竟当不存在监听对象时,inView 值只有重设为默认 false 才合理:

// 中间部分 2
useEffect(() => {
if (!ref.current && state !== initialState && !options.triggerOnce) {
// If we don't have a ref, then reset the state (unless the hook is set to only `triggerOnce`)
// This ensures we correctly reflect the current state - If you aren't observing anything, then nothing is inView

这就是入口文件的逻辑,我们可以看到还有两个重要的函数 `observe``unobserve`,这两个函数的实现在 [intersection.ts]( 文件中,这个文件有三个核心函数:`observe``unobserve``onChange`

- `observe`:监听 element 是否在可视区域。
- `unobserve`:取消监听。
- `onChange`:处理 `observe` 变化的回调。

先看 `observe`,对于同一个 root 下的监听会做合并操作,因此需要生成 `observerId` 作为唯一标识,这个标识由 `getRootId``rootMargin``threshold` 共同决定。

对于同一个 root 的监听下,拿到 `new IntersectionObserver()` 创建的 `observerInstance` 实例,调用 `observerInstance.observe` 进行监听。这里存储了两个 Map - `OBSERVER_MAP``INSTANCE_MAP`,前者是保证同一 root 下 `IntersectionObserver` 实例唯一,后者存储了组件 `inView` 以及回调等信息,在 `onChange` 函数使用:

export function observe(
element: Element,
callback: ObserverInstanceCallback,
options: IntersectionObserverInit = {}
) {
// IntersectionObserver needs a threshold to trigger, so set it to 0 if it's not defined.
// Modify the options object, since it's used in the onChange handler.
if (!options.threshold) options.threshold = 0;
const { root, rootMargin, threshold } = options;
// Validate that the element is not being used in another <Observer />
"react-intersection-observer: Trying to observe %s, but it's already being observed by another instance.\nMake sure the `ref` is only used by a single <Observer /> instance.\n\n%s"
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (!element) return;
// Create a unique ID for this observer instance, based on the root, root margin and threshold.
// An observer with the same options can be reused, so lets use this fact
let observerId: string =
getRootId(root) +
? `${threshold.toString()}_${rootMargin}`
: threshold.toString());

let observerInstance = OBSERVER_MAP.get(observerId);
if (!observerInstance) {
observerInstance = new IntersectionObserver(onChange, options);
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (observerId) OBSERVER_MAP.set(observerId, observerInstance);

const instance: ObserverInstance = {
inView: false,
observer: observerInstance,
// Make sure we have the thresholds value. It's undefined on a browser like Chrome 51.
observerInstance.thresholds ||
(Array.isArray(threshold) ? threshold : [threshold]),

INSTANCE_MAP.set(element, instance);

return instance;

对于 `onChange` 函数,因为采用了多元素监听,所以需要遍历 `changes` 数组,并判断 `intersectionRatio` 超过阈值判定为 `inView` 状态,通过 `INSTANCE_MAP` 拿到对应实例,修改其 `inView` 状态并执行 `callback`

这个 `callback` 就对应了 `useInView` Hook 中 `observe` 的第二个参数回调:

function onChange(changes: IntersectionObserverEntry[]) {
changes.forEach((intersection) => {
const { isIntersecting, intersectionRatio, target } = intersection;
const instance = INSTANCE_MAP.get(target);

// Firefox can report a negative intersectionRatio when scrolling.
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (instance && intersectionRatio >= 0) {
// If threshold is an array, check if any of them intersects. This just triggers the onChange event multiple times.
let inView = instance.thresholds.some((threshold) => {
return instance.inView
? intersectionRatio > threshold
: intersectionRatio >= threshold;

if (isIntersecting !== undefined) {
// If isIntersecting is defined, ensure that the element is actually intersecting.
// Otherwise it reports a threshold of 0
inView = inView && isIntersecting;

instance.inView = inView;
instance.callback(inView, intersection);

最后是 `unobserve` 取消监听的实现,在 `useInView` `setRef` 灌入新 Node 节点时,会调用 `unobserve` 对旧节点取消监听。

首先利用 `INSTANCE_MAP` 找到实例,调用 `observer.unobserve(element)` 销毁监听。最后销毁不必要的 `INSTANCE_MAP``ROOT_IDS` 存储。

export function unobserve(element: Element | null) {
if (!element) return;
const instance = INSTANCE_MAP.get(element);

if (instance) {
const { observerId, observer } = instance;
const { root } = observer;


// Check if we are still observing any elements with the same threshold.
let itemsLeft = false;
// Check if we still have observers configured with the same root.
let rootObserved = false;
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (observerId) {
INSTANCE_MAP.forEach((item, key) => {
if (key !== element) {
if (item.observerId === observerId) {
itemsLeft = true;
rootObserved = true;
if ( === root) {
rootObserved = true;
if (!rootObserved && root) ROOT_IDS.delete(root);
if (observer && !itemsLeft) {
// No more elements to observe for threshold, disconnect observer

// Remove reference to element

从其实现角度来看,为了保证正确识别到子元素存在,一定要保证 `ref` 能持续传递给组件最外层 DOM,如果出现传递断裂,就会判定当前组件不在视图内,比如:

const Component = () => {
const [ref, inView] = useInView();

return <Child ref={ref} />;

const Child = ({ loading, ref }) => {
if (loading) {
// 这一步会判定为 inView:false
return <Spin />;

return <div ref={ref}>Child</div>;

如果你的代码基于 `inView` 做了阻止渲染的判定,那么这个组件进入 loading 后就无法改变状态了。为了避免这种情况,要么不要让 `ref` 的传递断掉,要么当没有拿到 `ref` 对象时判定 `inView` 为 true。

## 4 总结

分析了这么多 React- 类的库,其核心思想有两个:

1. 将原生 API 转换为框架特有 API,比如 React 系列的 Hooks 与 ref。
2. 处理生命周期导致的边界情况,比如 dom 被更新时先 `unobserve` 再重新 `observe`

看过 [react-intersection-observer]( 的源码后,你觉得还有可优化的地方吗?欢迎讨论。

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