I'm Martin, a lifelong self-taught coder and tinkerer. Got started with an Apple IIc, pre-internet, learned BASIC and Pascal, and some 8088 machine code (Original IBM PC), made programs for Dungeons & Dragons: an NPC Character Generator, a mapping helper, and a virtual dice roller utility. Wish I still had that code somewhere, I'd post it. Later got into Web Design, and then front-end development, then back-end. Took forever to learn JavaScript, but I think I've finally got it :) Then got into WordPress and other early CMS's (DNN, anyone?), but focused on WordPress for a while, the LAMP stack, then moved into e-comm, WooCommerce, and then Shopify. Now I'm exploring other frameworks and general full-stack work in the MERN space. I've been in private repos the past few years, so I'm working on getting my public repos updated and organized.
Been leaning into node, python, d3, and React recently. I'm a data nerd and love data visualizations, refactoring code, and automation. Also a big Raspberry Pi afficiando, and Linux in general. I have a large collection of plastic dinosaurs, who each have names and personalities. Currently looking for Full-Stack Web Dev roles. See you around the interwebs...