A cross-version Python bytecode decompiler
List of Awesome Windows Security Resources
Building an Active Directory domain and hacking it
Binary coverage tool without binary modification for Windows
Kerberos unconstrained delegation abuse toolkit
Security Research from the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC)
getsystem via parent process using ps1 & embeded c#
Windows RID Hijacking persistence technique
A Coverage Explorer for Reverse Engineers
Automatically exported from
Repository including some useful frida script for iOS Reversing
Mario & Luigi - Tools for sniffing Windows Named Pipes communication
Sample extensions, scripts, and API uses for WinDbg.
Simpleator ("Simple-ator") is an innovative Windows-centric x64 user-mode application emulator that leverages several new features that were added in Windows 10 Spring Update (1803), also called "R…
Great explanation of Process Hollowing (a Technique often used in Malware)
[Digital Whisper] Reverse Engineering Automation Article - Source Codes