Tags: m3t/gulp-starter
2.0.0 Notable changes from 1.0: - Full asset pipeline and static html compilation - `gulpfile.js` is now a directory - update directory structure - Replaced Browserify with Webpack - Async CommonJS module requires - Automatically splits out shared dependencies - New `html` task w/ Nunjucks templating/compiling - Replace CoffeeScript with ES6 - New `server` task to test production files locally - New `deploy` task to deploy the public directory to gh-pages - New `rev` task that revisions filenames and compress css and js - Use `gulp-watch` instead of `gulp.watch` (correctly handles new files) - New `build:production` task runs tests, compression + filename revisioning - Remove old examples and extraneous dependencies - Upgrades dependencies - Added example Travis CI integration that runs karma tests and production build - Add SVG sprite implementation from @synapticism in vigetlabs#100