Have you ever compiled the linux kernel source? a lot of time huh?
It wont happen anymore! I present you...fastcc, a new-generation technology to compile C source as fast as possible.
Our record is compiling the linux kernel source in 0.2 seconds. That's awesome right?
Just use make
to compile it, then:
./fastcc <in source> -o <out file>
Try out the source files at examples/
fastcc uses secret technology stolen from the CIA (shout out to Julian Assange for sharing it) to compile C source code.
Also the final ELF is reduced in size to make it even faster at load time.
It optimizes your code!!
I compiled hashcat with fastcc...result?
Cracked 16-byte length passwords within seconds dude!
Created by @m3t4f0r4 and @blueudp
If you want support for Windows PE file compilation then shut up!
I won't allow fastcc-optimized code to be incapsulated into that shitty PE format.
But if you want more features for ELF, then feel free to open an issue or pull requests.
Enjoy dude!