A Discord bot to check mineral prices and alert on high LTD prices for Elite: Dangerous
EDPriceCheckBot lets users check current prices for a range of supported minerals. Additionally, it will notify the primary channel of a high LTD sell price (>1.5mil, >2000 demand) along with DMing any user that has signed up for alerts with !getalerts
. High price stations are added to a timeout list that expires after 24 hours to prevent DM/Channel spam.
Upon adding the bot to your server, make sure to use the !setchannel
command in the channel you want it to respond to commands in.
While using the !check x
command where x is the mineral alias.
Mineral | Alias |
Low Temp Diamonds | ltd,ltds |
Void Opals | vopal,vopals, void opal, void opals |
Painite | painite |
Benitoite | benitoite |
Musgravite | musgravite |
Grandidierite | grandidierite |
Serendibite | serendibite |
Displays this help message
Sets primary channel for pricealerts and communication based on where the command is executed
Unsets primary channel (Must be run in the currently assigned primary channel)
!check x
Checks top 5 mineral prices where x is the name of the mineral
Sends DM to user when prices for LTD's reach 1.5mil with at least 2000 demand
Removes user from DM list
- Gather the requirements:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Start EDDNListener and allow to run for 5-10 minutes to generate price histories
- Place your bot token, as well as a file named 'botadmin' containing your message.author.id, in the same directory as the py file with the name
and run the bot:python3 EDPriceCheckBot.py