This code is based on the last release from (not available). It has a few fixes to compile in modern GNU/Linux operating systems (e.g. PIC) but no new features.
eRampage is a free open source port intended to run games from Redneck series. Those include Redneck Rampage, Suckin' Grits on Route 66, Redneck Rampage Rides Again and Redneck Deer Huntin'.
In order to get the port working, you will need to go through the following steps:
Getting eRampage (binary and sources)
Here's what you need to download:
This package contains Windows binaries, as well as some resources needed for the game. This is the only file required for Windows users. Un-pack it and proceed with installing game files. If you can't open the package, download 7-Zip archiver.
Linux users will also need this file, as it contains resources needed for the game. (TODO: we really should do something so that the Linux users wouldn't have to download Windows binaries)
Linux users are required to download the sources to build the game. Windows users may also download the sources and build the binary executable themselves if they want to.
In order do download the sources, go to the Source page and follow the instructions there. Windows users may need to install SVN client before they could download the sources.
Note that erampage and its ancestors (eduke32 and the Build engine) are licensed with GPL, which means that you have the right to examine, modify and redistribute the engine source code, but NOT the game content. How to distinguish them? The stuff you download from the SVN repository is free, the stuff that comes from your Redneck Rampage disks is not free. TODO: figure out if erampage.7z is free or not.
You need these files from the disk:
redneck.grp tables.dat lookup.dat
type 'make' and enjoy
Building eRampage is very similar to building Eduke32. Because of this, I advise you to read Eduke32 wiki about building executables under Windows and Linux. Please note the differences:
Mapster32 won't compile in eRampage installation. This is not a build problem. Paths to game files under Linux have been changed, so they won't interfere with Eduke32
Important: this procedure applies to the folder structure from the Windows binary (package). The folder where erampage.exe resides is called the top folder, subfolders are referred by names, e.g. REDNECK, ROUTE66 etc.
If you have the RRRA game, you should put the REDNECK.GRP file from that game in the top folder. The REDNECK.GRP file from Redneck Rampage goes to the REDNECK subfolder.
If you don't have the RRRA, put the REDNECK.GRP file from Redneck Rampage in the top folder.
In order to run this, you need to have RR installed in the top folder. All resources from this addon go to the ROUTE66 subfolder.
The file CUSSPACK.GRP must be placed in the top folder, and the game must be started with command
erampage /gCUSSPACK.grp Redneck Deer Huntin' Not supported yet.
Create a folder named ~/.erampage Extract the windows package file into it: cd ~/.erampage; 7z x erampage.7z Copy TABLES.DAT and REDNECK.GRP from Redneck disk into ~/.erampage Rename them to be lowercase (also rename to lowercase LOOKUP.DAT from the pack) For add-ons like Rides Again, the instructions for Windows apply.
Erampage is based on EDuke32 ( Map patches are made by Jon Hunt (