Easy Redmine - plugin to Redmine (http://www.redmine.org) Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Easy Software, s.r.o. https://www.easyredmine.com
Same as Redmine 3.0.3. See [redmine_root]/doc/INSTALL Only Ruby 1.9.3 and higher is supported. (Ruby version < 2.1 will be dropped soon)
Make sure your Redmine 3.0.3. is working. For more details visit http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/Installation_Guide.
Backup your Redmine database and folder if something make wrong. Do not make backup into [redmine] directory! You have to copy it outside!
Extract zip package to the Redmine plugins directory ([redmine_root]/plugins). The directory structure will look like: [redmine_root]/plugins/easyproject/easy_helpers/* [redmine_root]/plugins/easyproject/easy_plugins/easy_extensions/* [redmine_root]/plugins/easyproject/easy_plugins/easy_redmine/* [redmine_root]/plugins/easyproject/easy_plugins/*
More gems are required. Under the application main directory run: bundle install --without development test
If ImageMagick is not installed on your system, you should skip the installation of the rmagick gem using: bundle install --without development test rmagick
If you use linux BitNami you must run bundle install --without development test --binstubs --no-deployment
Under the application main directory run (if you are using bitnami write 'sudo' before 'bundle'): bundle exec rake easyproject:install RAILS_ENV=production
If you are migrating from older version of Ruby < 1.9 (e.g. 1.8.7) to Ruby version >= 1.9 you have to run: bundle exec rake easyproject:service_tasks:migrate_to_new_ruby RAILS_ENV=production
Start your Redmine application server. E.g. under the application main directory run: bundle exec ruby script/rails server -e production
You should create a maintenance task to CRON (on Linux) or Scheduled Tasks (on Windows) that will be running every 5-15 minutes. This one task aggregates all required tasks such as mail receiving, alerts evaluation etc. You should set up required parameters via administration -> scheduled tasks. Do not run this task under root, use same user that is used for web server.: bundle exec rake easyproject:scheduler:run_tasks RAILS_ENV=production
Make sure you have gem 'redmine-installer' gem install redmine-installer
Download Easy Redmine and run: redmine install [PATH_TO_PACKAGE]
Follow installation steps:
- For example download Easy Redmine package to your home.
- Let's say your server root dir is in /srv/easyproject/public_html FOR EXAMPLE a) run: redmine install ~/easyredmine.zip b) Choose: /srv/easyproject/public_html c) Choose your database server, type database name, username and password d) Choose your mailserver and type neccesary credentials e) Wait for complete installation
You should create a maintenance task to CRON (on Linux) or Scheduled Tasks (on Windows) that will be running every 5-15 minutes. This one task aggregates all required tasks such as mail receiving, alerts evaluation etc. You should set up required parameters via administration -> scheduled tasks. Do not run this task under root, use same user that is used for web server.: bundle exec rake easyproject:scheduler:run_tasks RAILS_ENV=production
News are on: http://www.easyredmine.com/news Support is on: http://www.easyredmine.com/support