This is a simple scanner application that currently supports the following SDR devices: Ettus B210, Nuand BladeRF, Airspy, SdrPlay, and HackRF. It is lightweight and fast compared to other scanner …
WIFI-Lite GNURadio OOT TX PHY Layer Kernels Implementation Using Ettus B210/N210
Program with Transmission and reception in OFDM using GNU Radio with USRP
Gen2 UHF RFID reader with USRP and GNU Radio. Tested with USRPN200 and GNU Radio v3.7.4
Transferring of data like audio, video, image or any signal over WiFi range between USRPs
USRP NFC/RFID Project: Eavesdropping on and Emulating MIFARE Ultralight and Classic Cards Using Software-Defined Radio (SDR)
A FRONTEND Interfaces compliant device for the USRP that requires the UHD host code and supporting libraries to be installed
Fairwaves version of the UHD drivers, tweaked to support Fairwaves UmTRX.
Open source project displaying live aircrafts, ships or trackers on 2D/3D map. Browse through the data based on a particular aircraft, airline, airport, tracker or vessel to search through the data…
Raspberry PI Lora Gateway/Node for HopeRF RFM95 RFM96 RFM98 Modules
Bash utilities to use RN2483 microchip LORA from raspberry pi (RPi)
ChirpStack Network Server is an open-source LoRaWAN network-server.
Open source SDR 4G software suite from Software Radio Systems (SRS)
GAPfiller GSM900 USRP-compatible daughterboard for use with OpenBTS & osmo-bts
Server to control USRPs across multiple computers for phased array with CUDA-accelerated down-conversion.
Ettus Research USRP support for OpenBTS-UMTS
RF drive test application using Ettus USRP + GPSDO, GNU Radio, and Google Maps
a printed case for the latest usrp b200mini and b205mini
Direction-of-Arrival (DoA) Demo for GNU Radio (OOT) with the USRP™ X-Series and TwinRX™
Automated radio frequency test routines for the Ettus USRP using GNU Radio and Linux GPIB
Experimental cognitive radio base station using USRPs and Level