A web API built in .Net core that takes in geo coordinates of two different cities/locations and reverts back with a distance in between both.
GeoDistanceAPI is built on .Net Core. Given the coordinates of two cities:
53.297975, -6.372663
41.385101, -81.440440 Application receives this information as input and returns the distance between these two cities/points in Km.
As you run the application in IIS Express or Google Chrome it would be running on a port that is made available by OS: for-example port 63234 was made available for me by my OS at the time of development. http://localhost:63234/api/Geodistanceapi
and pass the body as a JSON object in a POST request:
"locationA":{"Latitude": 53.297975, "Longitude": -6.372663},
"locationB":{"Latitude": 41.385101, "Longitude": -81.440440}
The output for these cordinates is 5536.33868226669 km.