If you use FMCs_for_HSCs in your research, please cite the bioRxiv preprint avaible here:
J Kreger, D Shibata, AL MacLean (2023). Developmental hematopoietic stem cell fate decisions explain clonal dynamics over lifetime.
The bioRxiv version is available here.
This repository contains code used in the analysis of clonal dynamics of hematopoietic stem cells. The code is written in Julia (tested on versions 1.8.1) and is presented in a Jupyter notebook (Developmental_hematopoietic_stem_cell_fate_decisions_explain_clonal_dynamics_over_lifetime.ipynb).
Data used in the analysis is included in the file (?.xlsx). This data is from...
- Julia (version 1.8.1) or newer
- Jupyter notebook
- Statistics.jl
- LinearAlgebra.jl
- DataStructures.jl
- StatsBase.jl
- StatsPlots.jl
- Distributions.jl
- LsqFit.jl
- Random.jl
- ColorSchemes.jl
- Plots.jl; pyplot()
- DelimitedFiles.jl
: this file with information about the repository and paperDevelopmental_hematopoietic_stem_cell_fate_decisions_explain_clonal_dynamics_over_lifetime.ipynb
: Jupyter notebook containing code blocks for all simulations and figures in the paper.?.xlsx
: data used in the analysis, see...
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