- 👋 Hi, I’m FridayKnight13
- 👀 Friday Knight 13 is a highly experienced and dedicated web 3 instructor, with a strong passion for empowering a diverse community of learners to become proficient in web 3.0 technologies and use them to create innovative solutions that make a positive impact in the world.
Friday Knight13 is a highly skilled web developer, with expertise in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and has received certification in these technologies. She is dedicated to helping others develop the digital skills they need to succeed in the digital economy, and is committed to promoting equity and inclusion in all aspects of the tech industry. I’m interested in All things Code, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python You Name it.
- 🌱 I recently graduated from a 6 month Fullstack coding bootcamp at the University of Minnesota
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on NFT and Metaverse projects
- 📫 How to reach me [email protected]