ROSA 🤖 is an AI Agent designed to interact with ROS1- and ROS2-based robotics systems using natural language queries. ROSA helps robot developers inspect, diagnose, understand, and operate robots.
Python inverse kinematics based on Pinocchio
Code for the paper "Inference via Interpolation: Contrastive Representations Provably Enable Planning and Inference"
mc_rtc is an interface for simulated and real robotic systems suitable for real-time control
[NeurIPS 2023] MotionGPT: Human Motion as a Foreign Language, a unified motion-language generation model using LLMs
ROS Package providing compliant controllers for the Kinova Gen3 arm
Kinova Gen3 ros_control hardware interface
Model Predictive Path Integral Control using isaacgym for rollouts, gpu-accelerated
ICRA 2020 | Repository for "PST900 RGB-Thermal Calibration, Dataset and Segmentation Network" | C++, Python, PyTorch
RGB-Thermal Fusion Network for Semantic Segmentation of Urban Scenes
A C++ implementation of Cartesian impedance control for torque-controlled manipulators with ROS bindings.
Visualize 3d humans' skeletons(body+hands) in ros rviz. The 2d joints are detected by openpose; The depth is from depth image.
Animated grid layout component for React
MyoSuite is a collection of environments/tasks to be solved by musculoskeletal models simulated with the MuJoCo physics engine and wrapped in the OpenAI gym API.
Haptic manipulation controllers, utilities, and demos
ROS node that turns your robot into a web server to visualize ROS topics
Structured state space sequence models
Tips and tricks to optimize your C++ code
A curated list of fellowships for graduate students in Computer Science and related fields.
Change Python code while it's running without losing state
Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories.
A collection of useful datasets for robotics and computer vision