🚘 Lovelace custom card for tracking Vehicle status
Homeassistant integration for MySkoda.
nordpool_planner custom component for Home Assistant
Home Assistant addon for connecting AAOS Volvos
Utility to collect measurements from RuuviTags and store them in InfluxDB
Open-source Modbus TCP to Modbus RTU (RS-232/485) gateway.
Priceanalyzer for Home Assistant, based on Nordpool Prices.
Simple copy-paste approach to fetch data from (see to Home Assistant. Includes simple sensors and UI elements to ease automation work.
Home Assistant All-In-One Energy Management integration
Electric vehicle smart charging for Home Assistant.
My Home Assistant scripts for automation and services
A Python app and ML model that predicts spot prices for the Nordpool FI market.
Most complete Modbus library for Arduino. A library that allows your Arduino board to communicate via Modbus protocol, acting as a master, slave or both. Supports network transport (Modbus TCP) and…
A simple Modbus RTU to Modbus TCP Bridge that is done with off-the shelf parts utilizing the ESP-8266
Use your Home Assistant to control and read values from your Nilan air vent system
ESPHome custom_components
Nilan modbus to home assistant gateway with ha discovery
Nilan ventilation cts 602 modbus communication
Gateway for Nilan air ventilation system using modbus
A JSON viewer plugin for Notepad++. Displays the selected JSON string in a tree view.
Ruuvi Firmware version 3. Built on top of Nordic SDK 15, uses both Ruuvi and external repositories as submodules. In Beta, no breaking changes are intended but may be done if absolutely necessary
Skoda Connect - A home assistant plugin to add integration with your car
SQL Server Maintenance Solution
Compilation instructions and hex files for Z-Stack firmwares