There are lots of new tools and API came into existance due to Covid19 Pandemic. But still we don't have any place/point where our device can get the latest info about Covid19 Status in their native Language ;). So i am here to start a new project where i am going to host the MQTT Broker which will send the latest information to different topics.
Currently due to huge work load we are working on MQTT Broker and Topics including Arduino Code Example for users. But Volunteers all around the world are welcome to use our MQTT Broker info to build native clients for other platforms Like Raspberry PI, Micro Bit, Node.JS and etc.
MQTT Broker:
MQTT UserName:Covid19
MQTT Password:Covid19
For Current Status /bttt/Covid19/All
For Yesterday Status /bttt/Covid19/All/Yesterday
For Country Specific /bttt/Covid19/{{CountryName}}
For Country Specific Yesterday /bttt/Covid19/{{CountryName}}/Yesterday