Allo: A Programming Model for Composable Accelerator Design
ASIC Design Kit for FreePDK45 + Nangate for use with mflowgen
A hardware synthesis framework with multi-level paradigm
ZihaoZhao / vcdvcd
Forked from cirosantilli/vcdvcdPython Verilog value change dump (VCD) parser library + the nifty vcdcat VCD command line pretty printer.
GPU Accelerated t-SNE for CUDA with Python bindings
MasterRTL: A Pre-Synthesis PPA Estimation Framework for Any RTL Design
CyrilSterling / HeadSpace
Forked from crabl/HeadSpaceAn DSP library written in Python for performing HRTFs
CyrilSterling / MachineLearning
Forked from wepe/MachineLearningBasic Machine Learning and Deep Learning
CyrilSterling / PointPWC
Forked from DylanWusee/PointPWCPointPWC-Net is a deep coarse-to-fine network designed for 3D scene flow estimation from 3D point clouds.
CyrilSterling / ContourNet
Forked from wangyuxin87/ContourNetA PyTorch implementation of "ContourNet: Taking a Further Step toward Accurate Arbitrary-shaped Scene Text Detection" (CVPR2020)
The official code of Linguistic More: Taking a Further Step toward Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Recognition (IJCAI2023)
CyrilSterling / Video-LLaMA
Forked from DAMO-NLP-SG/Video-LLaMAVideo-LLaMA: An Instruction-tuned Audio-Visual Language Model for Video Understanding
Project Repo for the Simulator Independent Coverage Research
ChampSim is an open-source trace based simulator maintained at Texas A&M University and through the support of the computer architecture community.
Verilator open-source SystemVerilog simulator and lint system
A Modular Open-Source Hardware Fuzzing Framework
A Chisel RTL generator for network-on-chip interconnects
A template project for beginning new Chisel work
Chisel: A Modern Hardware Design Language