DAT management tool with advanced editing and sorting features
Freely available DATs of known ROMs in the GoodTools suite.
Get the storage size required for dumps of the top games for various platforms based on Metacritic scores
Latest ROMVault running inside a docker image
Custom "Jailbreak" firmware for the Analogue Super NT
DAT ROM Tool is a fully cross-platform tool for managing your ROMs using DAT files
Companion repository for [No-Intro] PropeR 1g1r Collection (2024)
Full BIOS collection for RetroPie
Tools for accessing a floppy drive at the raw flux level
A GUI for Greaseweazle Host Tools
AO486 Update scripts to fix games in the ExoDos Top 300 Pack
This script verifies game ISOs against the Redump hashes
Retool: a better filter tool for Redump and No-Intro DAT files.
Scripts to automate conversion between GameCube and Wii console ISO files to RVZ file format
The Descent 2 source code.