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rest2mobile CLI (r2m)

rest2mobile logo r2m is a command-line tool that generates native Android, iOS, and JavaScript code from REST APIs. Here is a short demo.

Note: If you are developing with Android Studio or IntelliJ, you can use the rest2mobile plugin for Android instead of the CLI. For iOS apps, you can use the rest2mobile plugin for Xcode.

Stable releases

Getting Started


r2m requires Java 6 or later and supports the following platforms:

  • Windows® 7 or later
  • Mac® OS X® 10.08 or later
  • Linux® Ubuntu® 12

Build and run

mvn install -DskipTests
r2m> gen --interactive

Run it using installers

Find universal installers here

On Mac


brew install

If you don't have brew, go to:

On all platforms

Unzip the rest2mobile zip file and add r2m to the path.

How to use it

Start in interactive mode:

This starts the r2m shell console. It supports help, completion, and ANSI coloring.

$ r2m
Starting rest2mobile 1.0.0
Run 'gen --interactive' to generate Mobile APIs in interactive mode.
Type '?' for help. Use <TAB> for completion. <Ctrl-D> to abort commands.
r2m> gen 

Start in non-interactive mode:

Useful to run single command, or include in script

$ r2m gen -e <file> [-o <outputdir>] [-p <package>] [-j IGNORE] [-n <classPrefix>] [-c <ClassName>] [<target: android|js|ios>] [-flw] [-d <ApiID>]

For the rest of this tutorial r2m commands will be run in interactive mode. So you need to run r2m first.

Get help

r2m> help -v gen

or check the CLI usage.

Build from existing examples

Here's a simple example generating the Google distance Mobile API for iOS, Android and Javascript

r2m> gen -d GoogleDistance 

You can get a list of examples with:

r2m> gen -l

All examples are available on rest2mobile examples repo

Other few examples

Generate the Android Mobile API from the example myExample.txt

r2m> gen -e myExample.txt -o myapp/src/java android

Same operation for Javascript:

r2m> gen -e myExample.txt -o jscode js

Same operation for iOS and Android only under controllers directory:

r2m> gen -e myExample.txt -o controllers ios android

Delete directory outputDir first, if it exists, with -f, before generating the API:

r2m> gen -f -e myExample.txt -o outputDir

Open the directory after generation of the Google Distance API with -w. Default output directory is mobile:

r2m> gen -d GoogleDistance -f

(Only on 1.1.0+) Ignore invalid values with -j IGNORE. In the example below, the generator will exclude the properties a, b, c, and only declare d in the generated object model FooResult.

cat << EOF > exampleWithInvalidValues.txt
+name foo
{ "a": null,
  "b": [],
  "c": {},
  "d": 123
r2m gen -e exampleWithInvalidValues.txt -j IGNORE -f

Build with your own examples

You can also build your own Mobile API from existing REST examples or documentation. Find out how to create your own example from the REST example wiki page.

Examples are usually text files containing the copy-pasted URL request and response payloads from a REST documentation, curl invocation, or simply your browser. Let's say you want to create a controller using the Google Time Zone API, simple type this in on your browser:,-119.6822510&timestamp=1331161200&sensor=true

Then you get this JSON response:

   "dstOffset" : 0,
   "rawOffset" : -28800,
   "status" : "OK",
   "timeZoneId" : "America/Los_Angeles",
   "timeZoneName" : "Pacific Standard Time"

Now copy-paste request and response in the file example.txt:

+Name getTimeZone

   "dstOffset" : 0,
   "rawOffset" : -28800,
   "status" : "OK",
   "timeZoneId" : "America/Los_Angeles",
   "timeZoneName" : "Pacific Standard Time"

With this example file, you can now generate an async Mobile API with a strongly-typed object model for Android, Javascript and iOS

Generating Mobile APIs

Using the file created above, run r2m to generate the mobile code.

r2m> gen -e example.txt 

This generates the Mobile API for all platforms under the local mobile/ directory. You can customize the location of the output with -o as well as select one ore more target platforms, for instance android, with:

r2m> gen -e example.text -o myproject/myapp/src/main/java android

Invoking the Mobile API

For Android

First, install the rest2mobile Android SDK by modifying your app's build.gradle, as described in Step 3 of using the android studio plugin. If you are using ant, go to setup ant project

Then call the method in mobile/android/com/magnet/controller/api/

  Call<TimeZoneResult> getTimeZone(
     String location,
     String timestamp,
     String sensor,
     StateChangedListener listener

For example, with:

  MagnetMobileClient client = MagnetMobileClient.getInstance(this.getApplicationContext());
  RestControllerFactory factory = new RestControllerFactory(client);
  RestController controller = factory.obtainInstance();
  Call<TimeZoneResult> resp = controller.getTimeZone("39.6034810,-119.6822510", "1331161200", "true", null);
  TimeZoneResult result = resp.get();
  // assert result.getStatus().equals("OK");
  // assert result.getTimeZoneId().equals("America/Los_Angeles");
  // assert result.getTimeZoneName().equals("Pacific Standard Time");
  // assert result.getDstOffSet() == 0;
  // assert result.getRawOffset() == -28800;

For iOS:

First, install the rest2mobile iOS SDK

Then call the method in RestController.h

 -(MMCall *)getTimeZone:(NSString *)location
              timestamp:(NSString *)timestamp
                 sensor:(NSString *)sensor
                success:(void (^)(TimeZoneResult *response))success
                failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

For example, with:

// Create an instance
RestController *controller = [[RestController alloc] init];

// Call the controller
[controller getTimeZone:@"39.6034810,-119.6822510"
                success:^(TimeZoneResult *response) {
                    // NSLog(@"time zone name is %@", response.timeZoneName);
                failure:^(NSError *error) {
                    // NSLog(@"error is %@", error);

For Javascript:

First set up your Phonegap or NodeJS app following the instructions for the rest2mobile JS SDK

Then call the generated function in RestController.js

  MagnetJS.Controllers.RestController.prototype.getTimeZone = function(data, options){
    return, data, options, {
      params : {
        name       : 'getTimeZone',
        path       : '/maps/api/timezone/json',
        baseUrl    : '',
        method     : 'GET',
        produces   : ['application/json'],
        returnType : 'TimeZoneResult'
      schema : {
        "location" : {
           style    : 'QUERY',
           type     : 'string',
           optional : true
        "timestamp" : {
           style    : 'QUERY',
           type     : 'string',
           optional : true
        "sensor" : {
           style    : 'QUERY',
           type     : 'string',
           optional : true

Here's how you can call it:

var controller = new MagnetJS.Controllers.RestController();

var requestData = {
location : "39.6034810,-119.6822510", timestamp : "1331161200", sensor : "true",

controller.getTimeZone(requestData, {
    success : function(responseData, details){
    // do something with response data
    error : function(error, details){
    // handle errors


We are constantly adding features and welcome your feedback. Please, ask questions or report issues here


Licensed under the [Apache License, Version 2.0] license (the "License"); you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.


Copyright © 2014 Magnet Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.