python deep learning notebooks. Open the juptyer projects in a new window to avoid the "something is wrong" error loading from github.
- market basket analysis: support, conviction, leverage, confidence, lift
- abalone age prediction with 9 features lstm
- nets group classification using lstm with a confusion matrix for measuring performance
- Curve fitting the dividend earnings of AllState
- Dense layer network multiple input and output disease prediction
- Dense layer network to predict concatenated sin segments
- ECG dense layer predictor
- Bidirectional lstm classifier for equinex - risk management
- Extraspace vs rio
- Duke Energy portfolio strategy
- LSTM binary classifier
- analysis of apply stock - linear regression
- Airline customer satisification - Decision boundary analysis
- Text summerization with GRU neural machine translation
- Computer vision using Conv2D with Keras
- Shampoo sales using keras conv1d
- I added weight training with random forest for 56 features
- I added deep learn dense network for mnist
- I added an Text keras lstm network for multi classification labels
- I added multiple variable lstm prediction of bike share
- I added Credit risk of default (logistic regression, xgboost, keras)
- I added Electric vehicle trends
- I added kc housing price prediction using keras network
- I added allstate dividend payments using cumsum
- I add meat consumption trends time series analysis
- I added co2 time series analysis
- I added probability analysis of class room size for different schools in 1938
- I added Earthquake 5+ analysis
- I added Google timeseries analysis
- I added shampoo sales using rolling window and pytorch conv1d
- I added college admittance for Graduate school using support vector machine
- I added a Happiness and Depression logistic Regression
- I added a Random Forest Classifer for playing tennis based on the weather
- I added Olympic history using heatmap
- I added liver disease analysis using glm
- I added crab satelite ~ weight and width ols and glm
- I added Bangladesh well switch using ols and glm
- I added baseball stats using a heatmap to analyze the logistic regression predictions
- I added an airline comfort rating a logistic regression pipeline
- I added a credit card approval using a logistic regression pipeline
- i added face recognition and edge detection using open cv
- I added hyper parameter tuning for credit card default and built a mlpclassifier to predict
- I added candy power ranking using keras linear predictor
- I added credit card default prediction using keras
- I added multinomialnb and kNearestNeighbor UFO sightings predictor
- I added passenger prediction using LSTM one day back prediction
- I added the pima diabetes dimension reduction
- I added Army AUNR dimensional reduction
- I added Trump tweets
- I added super bowl prediction creating a probable profile of a winner
- I added general social survey
- I added baby birthweight predictions
- I added pct change for netflix and domino then feed it into a lstm for a future prediction
- I added auc the stepwise refinement to find multiple variables for the model using customer churn data
- I added medicare healthcare by drg
- I added linear model of restaurant tips
- I added boise weather for sept 2020, temperature and humidity affected wind speeds
- I added a chicago crime sas file - crime trends from 2001 to 2016 trended down
- I added a search for the best movies
- I added visualization of nitrogen dioxide levels in Utah
- I am hypothesis testing finch beak size changes between 1975 and 2012
I am using python to visualize data and learn from it.
- I added an XGBoost predictor for idaho housing prices
- I added a bayensian predictor for covid cases and deaths (keras)
- I added stackoverflow programmer features
- I added logistic regression telco customer churn prediction
- I added XgBoost classifier for the iris Data. I included the notes to installing xgboost.
- I added Remaining payments (geometric progression)
- I added Reinforcement Learning Balancing pole
- I added Reinforcement Learning Tic Tac Toe
- I added Reinforcement Learning NChain
- I added LSTM Input_shape (need to fix output)
- I added a logistic regression binary classifier with lasso called (Logistic Regression predicting magazine subscription)
- I added a logistic regression of multiple classes using cross_entropy and softmax called Logistic Regression prediction of Iris.ipynb
- I added a logistic regression binary prediction of whether or not a person will open an account (Logistic Regression open account prediction.ipynb)
- I added a logistic regression binary prediction for credit card fraud
- I added a deep learning stocastic descent to solve a linear matrix X, Y, Z set of equations.
- I added NMF feature reduction to analyze words in a document to build a better search engine using ensemblies
- I added Michelson vs Newcomb speed of light hypothesis testing code
- I feature analyze and extract using K-means cluster on the Iris classifier using K-means cluster
- I modeled the statistical distribution of the Junk bond market and determine it is not a normal distribution
- I modeled binomal and poisson distributions in python (modeling distributions guassian curves)
- I built a neural network for predict covid deaths
- I modeled the trigometric function 5 times sin 1.5 times x plus pi divided 4
- I built a convolution neural net to learn an apple, banana, and orange image (deep learning - cnn - recognizing a list of images)
- I built a deep learning network to predict team scores
- I built a deep learning stocastic descent model to learn a trigonomy function (r=1-sin theta)
- I built a deep learning linear classifier to identify cultivator (deep learning intro with keras - linear classification.ipynb)
- I built a deep learning classifier to predict the flower types based on features
- I built a deep learning regressor to track the perimeters of a circle (deep learning circle chasing.ipynb)
- I applied gradient boost to predict death trends for three states (time series covid 19.ipynb)
- I applied linear regression and gradient boost to predict the morality rate trends (time series with machine learning.ipynb)
- I applied deep learning to predict mpg based in hp, weight, displacement, and gears (linear regressor mpg and horse power.ipynb)