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Share Files between iOS and Windows without hassle.
Travis90x / Vz-Printhead-Printed-TwoTrees-Sapphire-Plus-SP5
Forked from VzBoT3D/Vz-Printhead-PrintedPrinted version of the Vz-Printhead for TwoTrees Sapphire Plus SP5
🚀 Powerful asynchronous state management, server-state utilities and data fetching for Angular Applications
🚀 Level up your GitHub profile readme with customizable cards including LOC statistics!
A set of tools to make development with ABP easier.
A React Framework for building internal tools, admin panels, dashboards & B2B apps with unmatched flexibility.
Build system, optimized for monorepos, with plugins for popular frameworks and tools and advanced CI capabilities including caching and distribution.
🔮 Libraries & tools for enabling Machine Learning driven user-experiences on the web
A CLI that writes your git commit messages for you with AI
RolfZuckowskiUltras / TwoTrees-Sapphire-Pro-Plus-Marlin2.0-with-GUI
Forked from makerbase-mks/Mks-Robin-Nano-Marlin2.0-FirmwareThe firmware of Mks Robin Nano, based on Marlin-2.0.x, adding the color GUI.
This is the source code for our 3D Print Cost Calculator. You can download the build version for free
PrusaSlicer in a Docker container (Prusa3D's Slic3r fork) - Automated Docker Hub tags/rebuilds/updates via GitHub Actions
A one-of-a-kind resume builder that keeps your privacy in mind. Completely secure, customizable, portable, open-source and free forever. Try it out today!
🦄 Making sure your tailor-made error solution is seamless!
This is optimized firmware for Ender3 V2/S1 3D printers.
Klipper configuration for a modded Sapphire Plus corexy 3d printer
Model files for 3D printing a Continuity Camera mount
Examples projects using SwiftUI released by WWDC2019. Include Layout, UI, Animations, Gestures, Draw and Data.
The web framework for content-driven websites. ⭐️ Star to support our work!
ahmetcemturan / Mks-Robin-Nano-Marlin2.0-Firmware
Forked from makerbase-mks/Mks-Robin-Nano-Marlin2.0-FirmwareThe firmware of Mks Robin Nano, based on Marlin-2.0.x, adding the color GUI.